{"id":10061,"date":"2023-10-20T07:05:11","date_gmt":"2023-10-20T06:05:11","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.aboutriver.com\/?p=10061"},"modified":"2023-10-20T07:05:11","modified_gmt":"2023-10-20T06:05:11","slug":"how-wide-is-the-mississippi-river-in-st-louis","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.aboutriver.com\/how-wide-is-the-mississippi-river-in-st-louis\/","title":{"rendered":"How Wide Is The Mississippi River In St Louis"},"content":{"rendered":"

The Mississippi River is one of the longest and most iconic rivers in North America, running some 2,350 miles from its source in northern Minnesota to the Gulf of Mexico. In St. Louis, the Mississippi River is the east boundary of the city, the dividing line between Missouri and Illinois, and a vibrant source of recreation and wildlife habitats. But what you may be wondering is — how wide is the Mississippi River in St. Louis? <\/p>\n

According to USGS estimates, the width of the Mississippi River in St. Louis varies from just less than 200 feet to nearly a mile. If measured from the two banks, the main stem of the river averages just under 900 feet. But if measured from bank to bank, the width of the Mississippi River at St. Louis grows to a maximum of 2,200 feet. <\/p>\n

The Mississippi River widens as it gets closer to the Gulf of Mexico. This is the result of it collecting water from the many smaller tributaries that flow into it from both sides of the nation. The tributaries also stretch it out, creating several bends and winding parts. Closer to its source in northern Minnesota, the Mississippi River is much narrower, averaging around 500 feet in width.<\/p>\n

At St. Louis, the Mississippi River acts as a natural border to the city, drawing thousands of outdoor enthusiasts each year. Boating and fishing are popular activities and many of the city’s parks are located along the river. There is also a unique ecosystem of plants, animals and birds that thrive along the banks.<\/p>\n