{"id":10197,"date":"2023-11-01T01:15:15","date_gmt":"2023-11-01T00:15:15","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.aboutriver.com\/?p=10197"},"modified":"2023-11-01T01:15:15","modified_gmt":"2023-11-01T00:15:15","slug":"can-you-boat-down-the-mississippi-river","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.aboutriver.com\/can-you-boat-down-the-mississippi-river\/","title":{"rendered":"Can You Boat Down The Mississippi River"},"content":{"rendered":"

Exploring the Mississippi River by Boat<\/h2>\n

The Mississippi River is undeniably one of America’s most iconic waterways. It flows through ten states, beginning in Minnesota and ending in Louisiana, and serves as transportation and irrigation for the region. Boats have been travelling the river since the early days of America and now it’s become an extremely popular activity, with many people heading to the banks of the Mississippi for a unique and memorable experience. But what does it take to embark on a journey by boat along the banks of the river?<\/p>\n

Boating the Mississippi River is a popular pastime, with many people taking to their personal boats and vacationers visiting in tour boats. Before you set out, it is important to know your route. If you plan on heading down the spine of the river as it is a designated waterway, you must register for a “St. Lawrence Seaway and Great Lakes Pilotage Card”, which is a requirement for all vessels operating on the Great Lakes and connecting waterways.<\/p>\n

Furthermore, all vessels are required to have a navigational chart of the planned route. River levels can be important since they will affect how shallow the water is and how much of the riverbed can be navigated. In many areas of the Mississippi River, water levels can be low and shallow water can cause motor boats to get stuck. However, canoes and kayaks are very popular and ideal for exploring the Mississippi. Also, since conditions can change quickly allowing boats to become submerged in shallow water, wearing life vests is suggested.<\/p>\n

As you sail along the river, you will be graced with beautiful landscapes, such as wooded shores, wildflowers and vast bluffs. You can also explore numerous parks and historical sites, such as the Rock Island Arsenal, the Grand Tower Rock, the Fort Snelling National Historic Site, and the Battle of Island Mound State Historic Site. And you can choose to visit one of the Mississippi’s many local restaurants and enjoy some of the best Southern-style cuisine in the country.<\/p>\n