{"id":11416,"date":"2023-12-28T03:45:10","date_gmt":"2023-12-28T02:45:10","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.aboutriver.com\/?p=11416"},"modified":"2023-12-28T03:45:10","modified_gmt":"2023-12-28T02:45:10","slug":"how-many-states-does-the-mississippi-river-run-through","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.aboutriver.com\/how-many-states-does-the-mississippi-river-run-through\/","title":{"rendered":"How Many States Does The Mississippi River Run Through"},"content":{"rendered":"

The mighty Mississippi River runs across 3110 miles of the United States, spanning 10 states. Beginning in Minnesota at Lake Itasca, the longest river in North America journeys south past Saint Paul, Minneapolis, and through Wisconsin and Wisconsin. A trip downriver brings you to Illinois, Missouri, Arkansas, Tennessee, Mississippi, Louisiana, and finally the end of its journey in the Gulf of Mexico. Each of these states offer unique landscapes, wildlife, and histories that the Mississippi has shaped along its path. <\/p>\n

Taking its name from the historic Ojibwe word “Misi-ziibi”, meaning “great river”, the mighty Mississippi River has been an integral part of many cultures. The Sioux and Cherokee Nations used the Mississippi as their primary transportation and fishing source. Early European settlers relied heavily on the Mississippi for economic viability, as well as a source of its own culture. The Mississippi was a source of livelihood, forming its own unique communities, such as the ‘river’ people, floating tow-boats and flatboats, which eventually gave way to the ports and docks found along many of the river’s byways. Even today, the Mississippi plays an important role in the lives of those living in each of the 10 states it passes through. <\/p>\n

The natural flow of the Mississippi is extensive, running through all ten states, connecting them in one sweeping line. The river’s main courses are the Upper Mississippi, which covers 1,476 miles from Lake Itasca to Cairo, Illinois, and the Lower Mississippi, which covers 1,236 miles from Cairo to the Gulf of Mexico. <\/p>\n

In addition to its majestic view, the Mississippi River is an important economic asset. It acts as an important pathway for shipping and commerce, allowing industries to move around safely. The river is also home to an abundance of freshwater fish, providing an important food source, and recreation opportunities for those living along the river’s path. <\/p>\n