{"id":12502,"date":"2024-01-07T01:45:53","date_gmt":"2024-01-07T00:45:53","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.aboutriver.com\/?p=12502"},"modified":"2024-01-07T01:45:53","modified_gmt":"2024-01-07T00:45:53","slug":"is-the-mississippi-river-navigable","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.aboutriver.com\/is-the-mississippi-river-navigable\/","title":{"rendered":"Is The Mississippi River Navigable"},"content":{"rendered":"

The majestic Mississippi River is one of North America’s largest rivers, winding through Minnesota, Wisconsin, Louisiana and 10 other states before emptying into the Gulf of Mexico. With over 2,320 miles of course, the river is an invaluable resource for transportation, recreation, and tourism. But is the Mississippi River navigable?<\/p>\n

In many areas, the Mississippi is a shallow river subject to seasonal high and low water conditions. During summer months, the water is at its lowest, often making it too shallow for riverboats, making it difficult for navigation. Conversely, during heavy rainfall, the water levels swell, making the waters too deep for boats. Since the flooding is caused primarily by the rain, it is not always possible to predict when navigability will be optimum.\n<\/p>\n

The US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) is responsible for navigation on the Mississippi. They have dredged the river in an attempt to make it more accessible, essentially making a series of ‘steps’ down the river, usually in the form of a series of locks, dams and levees. This system allows boats of varying sizes and shapes to traverse the waters more safely, with the USACE monitoring water levels to ensure the river remains navigable. In addition, they produce up-to-date boating charts which provide navigability information, including potential hazards and safety guidelines.<\/p>\n

However, navigating the Mississippi is not without danger. In addition to seasonal changes in water levels, there are various obstacles scattered throughout the river, such as rocks, sandbars, and shoals. These hazards can be difficult to see, and potentially treacherous for inexperienced navigators. In addition, the notoriously unpredictable weather of the region can cause unexpected storms and drastic changes in the scenery. All in all, navigating the Mississippi can be a challenging and dangerous undertaking for the unprepared boater.<\/p>\n