{"id":12587,"date":"2023-12-25T20:35:11","date_gmt":"2023-12-25T19:35:11","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.aboutriver.com\/?p=12587"},"modified":"2023-12-25T20:35:11","modified_gmt":"2023-12-25T19:35:11","slug":"is-the-mississippi-river-clean-in-davenport","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.aboutriver.com\/is-the-mississippi-river-clean-in-davenport\/","title":{"rendered":"Is The Mississippi River Clean In Davenport"},"content":{"rendered":"

The Mississippi River is a major source of water and recreation for the state of Iowa, and Davenport is no different. With its nearby city of Bettendorf and a host of other small towns and communities, Davenport finds itself at the heart of the environmental debate over the health and condition of the Mississippi. But just how clean is the river in this area?<\/p>\n

The answer is a little complicated. It largely depends on the time of year. Generally, the summer months provide clearer waters, as the increased flow of the river helps to spread out any pollutants that might occur. This can give the false impression that the water is in good health.<\/p>\n

However, during the winter and spring months, the river’s flow is lower and the cold temperatures can keep any pollutants in a concentrated area, causing a significant reduction in water quality. In 2017, bacteria levels in the Mississippi were documented as unsafe during the winter months, with the Environmental Protection Agency suggesting that people avoid the water during that time frame.<\/p>\n

The causes of this pollution are varied. Much of the pollution originates from nearby cities and industry. With agricultural run-off, sewage and industrial waste treated by water treatment plants, the solids being released into the river from these sources often contain hazardous substances. This is particularly galling, as many of these plant’s effluents are never monitored for cleanliness.<\/p>\n