{"id":12959,"date":"2024-02-02T15:05:11","date_gmt":"2024-02-02T14:05:11","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.aboutriver.com\/?p=12959"},"modified":"2024-02-02T15:05:11","modified_gmt":"2024-02-02T14:05:11","slug":"what-is-the-tallest-mountain-east-of-the-mississippi-river","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.aboutriver.com\/what-is-the-tallest-mountain-east-of-the-mississippi-river\/","title":{"rendered":"What Is The Tallest Mountain East Of The Mississippi River"},"content":{"rendered":"


What is the tallest mountain east of the Mississippi River? Known as the Appalachian Mountains, this range extends from the Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador all the way to Alabama. It comprises some of the oldest mountains on the planet, formed hundreds of millions of years ago due to tectonic plate movement. The highest peak east of the Mississippi River is located in the Appalachian Mountains and is known as Mount Mitchell. It is located in the Blue Ridge Mountains in North Carolina, and it stands at an impressive 6,684 feet high.<\/p>\n

Background Information<\/h2>\n

Mount Mitchell was the first mountain in the eastern United States to be officially conquered. This happened in 1857 after Edwin, the Younger Elisha Mitchell, a professor at the University of North Carolina, studied the area extensively. His findings were published in a book of maps and natural history titled “The Natural and Aboriginal History of North Carolina”. In 1857, a hiking and exploration party led by Elisha Mitchell climbed the peak and proved that it was the highest mountain in the region. After Elisha Mitchell’s death in 1857, one of the party members, Mitchell, renamed the mountain in his honor.<\/p>\n

Relevant Data<\/h2>\n

In addition to being the highest mountain east of the Mississippi River, Mount Mitchell also has the distinction of being the highest mountain peak in the entire Eastern United States. As part of the Appalachian Mountains, Mount Mitchell is actually the highest peak among many other huge mountain ranges in the eastern United States. These include the Adirondacks in upstate New York, the Catskills in New York and the Green Mountains in Vermont.<\/p>\n

Mount Mitchell also has a few other records of its own. It is the highest point in both the Eastern United States and the interior eastern United States. It is also the highest peak in Yancey County, North Carolina, and the highest mountain in the Black Mountain range.<\/p>\n

Perspectives from Experts<\/h2>\n