{"id":13630,"date":"2024-02-25T10:30:11","date_gmt":"2024-02-25T09:30:11","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.aboutriver.com\/?p=13630"},"modified":"2024-02-25T10:30:11","modified_gmt":"2024-02-25T09:30:11","slug":"what-are-all-the-fish-in-the-mississippi-river","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.aboutriver.com\/what-are-all-the-fish-in-the-mississippi-river\/","title":{"rendered":"What Are All The Fish In The Mississippi River"},"content":{"rendered":"

The Mississippi River is home to many species of fish, and its waters are bountiful for sport fishermen and commercial anglers alike. From catfish to bass, walleye, northern pike and more, the Mississippi River can provide a few amazing catches. Here we explore which fish known thrive in and around this iconic waterway.<\/p>\n


Catfish are perhaps the most well-known and most sought-after catch in the Mississippi River. Blue and channel catfish are the most common species, though flathead and bullhead catfish are also regularly fished. Catfish are typically caught through trotlines, jugs, jigs, and setlines, or drift-fishing with natural bait or dough balls. Catfish season runs from the first Saturday in May to October 31 all along the Mississippi, though the rules in Lake Pepin are more restrictive.<\/p>\n


Smallmouth and largemouth bass also inhabit the waters of the Mississippi, and provide a great challenge for anglers. Bass may be fished using plugs, jigs, and crankbaits, either natural or artificial in nature. Natural bait is typically fished on the bottom of the river with weights and hooks, whereas jigs and crankbaits will be twitched with a rod or reeled in normally. Bass season runs from the first Saturday in May to October 15 on defined areas of the river.<\/p>\n


Walleye, a freshwater fish native to North America, thrives in the Mississippi River. Mostly found in the Minnesota portion of the river downstream from the Lake Pepin, walleye can be caught using minnows and jigs. Anglers can deploy a variety of strategies for catching walleye, such as trolling, drift fishing, and using crankbaits or jigs to attract walleye to the area. Season runs from the Saturday nearest April 20 to March 1.<\/p>\n

Northern Pike<\/h2>\n