{"id":14404,"date":"2023-10-11T22:40:13","date_gmt":"2023-10-11T21:40:13","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.aboutriver.com\/?p=14404"},"modified":"2023-10-11T22:40:13","modified_gmt":"2023-10-11T21:40:13","slug":"what-months-did-the-nile-river-flood","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.aboutriver.com\/what-months-did-the-nile-river-flood\/","title":{"rendered":"What Months Did The Nile River Flood"},"content":{"rendered":"

Background Information<\/h2>\n

The Nile River has been flooding each year in Africa for thousands of years, providing life-sustaining resources to the civilisations that have grown up around it. The flooding of the Nile is known as the Egyptian inundation and it has been central to Ancient Egyptian civilisation for centuries. The Egyptians would strategically build their homes and the infrastructure of their villages around the natural course of the river so that it would bring the necessary resources and soil fertility to the region. Ancient Egypt was built on the success of their farmers, whose livelihoods depended on the flooding of the Nile.<\/p>\n


The Nile River floods at different times throughout the year depending on the season and current weather conditions. Although the flood is generally associated with the summer months, it can occur during the winter months as well. According to the United Nations, the flooding usually begins in the months of April to June and usually ends in the months of August to September in the Northern Hemisphere. During these months, the floodwaters of the Nile can reach as high as 23 feet (7 metres) in places.<\/p>\n

Effects of the Floods<\/h2>\n

The floods of the Nile are responsible for many of the positive effects that Ancient Egyptian society experienced. The floods bring nutrient-rich soil to the banks of the river, which helps the farmers grow their crops. This soil helps crops to thrive and bring on a good yield. The floods also bring fish and other aquatic resources to the region. Fish are important sources of protein in the Egyptian diet as well as a trade commodity. <\/p>\n

Harvesting the Waters<\/h2>\n

The Ancient Egyptians recognised the importance of the floods and developed strategies to harvest the waters. The Egyptians built canals and dams to control the flow of the Nile and used the Nile’s waters to irrigate the land. This allowed the Egyptians to grow a variety of crops, which helped develop their civilisation.<\/p>\n

Importance of Timing<\/h2>\n