{"id":14762,"date":"2023-11-25T03:06:02","date_gmt":"2023-11-25T02:06:02","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.aboutriver.com\/?p=14762"},"modified":"2023-11-25T03:06:02","modified_gmt":"2023-11-25T02:06:02","slug":"what-percent-of-the-nile-river-is-in-egypt","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.aboutriver.com\/what-percent-of-the-nile-river-is-in-egypt\/","title":{"rendered":"What Percent Of The Nile River Is In Egypt"},"content":{"rendered":"

Nile River is a major river in Africa, so it is not surprising that the impact this majestic waterway has on the economies of countries along its course is enormous. Egypt is one of those countries. The Nile is the lifeblood of Egypt, supplying the agricultural industry with necessary irrigation, drinking water and transportation. So, the question is, “What percent of the Nile is in Egypt?”<\/p>\n

According to the Dry Weight Map of Egypt, the Nile is considered to span a total length of 7049 km, of which Egypt holds approximately 918 km, or about 13%. Egypt is therefore home to approximately 13% of the Nile’s total length. As such, Egypt is second only to Sudan when it comes to countries with the highest percentage of the Nile within their borders. However, it is important to note that the river takes a meandering course, so the exact distribution of length within Egypt may vary quite considerably.<\/p>\n

From an economic standpoint, Egypt’s importance to the total economy of the Nile Basin region is undeniable. Egypt’s population stands at over a hundred million and counting, and the majority of these people rely on the Nile for the most essential of resources, including food, water and energy. In fact, approximately 90% of Egypt’s food supply is directly derived from the Nile, making it a critical part of the country’s economy. Not only that, but Egypt is also the breadbasket of the Middle East, as it exports a significant portion of its agricultural production to other countries in the region.<\/p>\n

The full importance of the Nile to Egypt, however, may go far beyond its economic significance. The Nile has been an integral part of the history and culture of Egypt for millennia. The Nile Valley is home to some of the world’s most ancient settlements, and its legacy can be seen in many of the country’s ancient monuments, such as the pyramids of Giza and the temples of Luxor.<\/p>\n