{"id":2044,"date":"2023-03-05T12:42:19","date_gmt":"2023-03-05T11:42:19","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.aboutriver.com\/?p=2044"},"modified":"2023-03-05T12:42:19","modified_gmt":"2023-03-05T11:42:19","slug":"a-list-of-fish-in-the-amazon-river","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.aboutriver.com\/a-list-of-fish-in-the-amazon-river\/","title":{"rendered":"A list of fish in the amazon river?"},"content":{"rendered":"

The Amazon River is home to a diverse array of fish species. Some of the most common fish found in the river include the boto (Inia geoffrensis), the surubim (Pseudopimelodus elongatus), the dourado (Brachyplatystoma rousseauxii), the piranha (Serrasalmus spp.), and the traira (Hoplias malabaricus). These fish play an important role in the ecosystem of the Amazon River, providing food for other animals and helping to keep the river clean.<\/p>\n

There are many types of fish that can be found in the Amazon river. Some of the more common types include:<\/p>\n

\n-Red-bellied piranha
\n-Electric eel

What is the most famous fish found in the Amazon river? <\/h2>\n

Despite their reputation, piranhas are actually relatively shy fish that only attack when they feel threatened. And when they do attack, they usually go for the soft underbelly of their prey rather than the face. So, if you’re ever swimming in piranha-infested waters, just make sure to keep your belly covered!<\/p>\n