{"id":2073,"date":"2023-03-05T19:23:39","date_gmt":"2023-03-05T18:23:39","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.aboutriver.com\/?p=2073"},"modified":"2023-03-05T19:23:39","modified_gmt":"2023-03-05T18:23:39","slug":"how-big-is-an-amazon-river-dolphin","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.aboutriver.com\/how-big-is-an-amazon-river-dolphin\/","title":{"rendered":"How big is an amazon river dolphin?"},"content":{"rendered":"

The Amazon river dolphin is one of the world’s largest dolphins, with adults reaching up to 8 feet in length and weighing up to 400 pounds. These dolphins are found in the Amazon River and its tributaries in South America, and are unique among dolphins in that they are able to live in both fresh and salt water. Amazon river dolphins are typically grey or pink in color, and have a long, beak-like snout. These dolphins are endangered due to pollution and hunting, and there are estimated to be only about 3,000 individuals left in the wild.<\/p>\n

The average Amazon River dolphin is around 2.6 meters long and weighs 230 kg.<\/p>\n

What is the average size of a river dolphin? <\/h2>\n

The average length of a male is 6 feet with a maximum of 9 feet. The average length of a female is 6 feet with a maximum of 8 feet. The average weight of a male is 180 pounds with a maximum of 220 pounds. The average weight of a female is 150 pounds with a maximum of 200 pounds.<\/p>\n

Amazon river dolphins are carnivores and only eat meat. Most of the time, dolphins are not dangerous to humans. In fact, the animals are super curious, friendly and generally approachable.<\/p>\n

How many Amazon River dolphins are left 2022 <\/h3>\n