{"id":2707,"date":"2023-03-12T16:21:54","date_gmt":"2023-03-12T15:21:54","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.aboutriver.com\/?p=2707"},"modified":"2023-03-12T16:21:54","modified_gmt":"2023-03-12T15:21:54","slug":"what-aquarium-fish-from-the-amazon-river","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.aboutriver.com\/what-aquarium-fish-from-the-amazon-river\/","title":{"rendered":"What aquarium fish from the amazon river?"},"content":{"rendered":"

The Amazon River is home to a variety of different fish species. Some of the more popular aquarium fish that come from the Amazon River include the Tetras, the Piranha, and the Oscar. The Amazon River is a great place for fish enthusiasts to find new and interesting fish for their aquariums.<\/p>\n

There are a few different aquarium fish that come from the Amazon River. Some examples include the blackruby barb, neon tetra, and electric blue acara.<\/p>\n

What aquarium fish live in the Amazon? <\/h2>\n

Some of my favorite fish to get from Amazon are the rummy nose, neon, white or black skirt tetra, Buenos Aires tetra, bloodfin tetra, and harlequin rasbora Corydoras. Guppies and hatchet fish are also great choices!<\/p>\n

Piranhas are a type of freshwater fish that are native to the Amazon River in South America. They are known for their sharp teeth and aggressive behavior, and are often considered to be dangerous animals. However, their reputation as man-eating creatures is largely exaggerated, and they are actually quite shy and timid around humans.<\/p>\n

What is the rarest fish in the Amazon river <\/h3>\n