{"id":9609,"date":"2023-12-09T09:20:51","date_gmt":"2023-12-09T08:20:51","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.aboutriver.com\/?p=9609"},"modified":"2023-12-09T09:20:51","modified_gmt":"2023-12-09T08:20:51","slug":"how-to-catch-crappie-on-mississippi-river-mo","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.aboutriver.com\/how-to-catch-crappie-on-mississippi-river-mo\/","title":{"rendered":"How To Catch Crappie On Mississippi River Mo"},"content":{"rendered":"

Crappie are a popular species of fish among anglers, known for their plentifulness and delicious meat. One of the most reliable places for catching crappie is the Mississippi River. Every year thousands of anglers have their sights set on the fish inhabiting this majestic river, so if you’re looking to catch some crappie, follow these tips and you’ll be hooking them up in no time.\n<\/p>\n

The most important part of crappie fishing on the Mississippi is to choose the right spots. Water clarity is an important factor in your decision, since crappie generally prefer clearer water over murky and muddier water. So it’s best to fish in locations that have more open space and greater water clarity. Another important factor to consider is the variety of cover and structure you’re fishing. Crappie generally live in shallow cover, like lily pads and vegetation, so if you’re looking to net some of these tasty fish, make sure to look for these kind of places to start.\n<\/p>\n

Once you have selected an ideal spot it is time to employ one of the best methods for catching crappie on the Mississippi; jigging. Jigging is most effective when the crappie are schooling, which is when the fish are bunched up into a tight group. The best time for jigging is during the spawning season, which typically occurs during the warm weather months. During this time the fish will come to the surface in search of food, and the jig can be used to imitate the small baitfish they are looking for. Move the jig slowly and make sure that it stays within the school of fish. If you’re lucky enough to land a bite, you’ll know it right away by the pull on your line.\n<\/p>\n

If you’re looking to hook up with a big lunker, then your best bet is to fish along the deep channels in the Mississippi River. There are a wide variety of techniques that can be used to catch these bigger crappie. One popular technique is to fish with live bait, like sculpins and crayfish. The process is relatively simple, first use a hook and sinker to keep your bait on the bottom of the channel. Then, use a rod and reel to slowly pull the bait along the bottom, simulating the movements of a live fish. Generally, the larger crappie will get attracted to the bigger bait, so be sure to keep it moving to maintain the crappie’s interest.\n<\/p>\n

Other Top Fishing Techniques<\/h2>\n