The mighty Mississippi River has been an important part of the history and culture of the American Midwest and South for generations. Spanning 2,540 miles, it is the 4th longest river in the world. Over 25 million people live in the river’s drainage area and depend upon it for transportation and other essential services. But did you ever wonder what the Mississippi River was like centuries ago? Was the legendary Mississippi always muddy?
Investigation of the Muddy Mississippi
It may surprise people to discover that the mighty Mississippi River was not always the muddy waterway we know today. Prior to the Industrial Revolution, the river ran clear and clean, full of fish and wildlife. However, with the advent of industrial pollutants, the river’s quality quickly declined. Development along the bank, over-fertilization of farms and industrial toxic waste all had an effect on the clarity and quality of the water. The combination of these factors and the high volume of sediment flowing down the river resulted in the treacherous muddy waters we know today.
How the Muddy Mississippi Affects Local Communities
The murky waters of the Mississippi can have actual health risks for those living in the river basin. One particular danger is the presence of high levels of nitrates and phosphorus which can lead to an overgrowth of aquatic plants and algae, in turn creating an environment inhospitable to humans and likely to cause a variety of illnesses and skin irritations. Furthermore, such an environment can deplete the amount of oxygen within the water, leading to a lack of healthy fish and other aquatic animals within the river.
Efforts to Reduce the Murkiness of the Mississippi
Various efforts are being made to reduce the muddiness of the Mississippi River. Most notably, the Environmental Protection Agency and many local municipalities are trying to reduce the amount of sediment, fertilizers and chemicals entering the river by strengthening protection policies. Additionally, wetlands restoration and reforestation projects are being implemented to help absorb pollutants and filter out sediment in the water.
What Can We Do to Help the River?
The resilient Mississippi River has endured many challenges in its journey from its source in northern Minnesota to the Gulf of Mexico, but we all have a role to play in ensuring it remains clean and healthy for many generations to come. Basic things like properly disposing of waste, using environmentally friendly products, and reducing runoff from farms and gardens can go a long way towards improving the state of the river.
Alternative Causes for the River’s Muddiness
Recently, some have pointed to the activity of human boat traffic as a contributing factor to the muddy waters of the Mississippi River. Boatusers often drag anchors along the bed of the river, stirring up sediment and making the water less clear. For that reason, the Mississippi Heritage Foundation is now advocating for restricted moorings in certain areas and educating boaters on responsible behavior on the river.
The Role of Climate Change
The effects of climate change can often be overlooked when discussing river muddiness, but the two are certainly interconnected. Warmer temperatures cause faster melting of ice and snow, thus increasing the volume of water flowing down the river during rainy season. This, too, has the potential to stir up sediment and is something experts are increasingly trying to address.
The Future of the Mississippi River
The future of the Mississippi River is a pressing concern for all that live near it. It is our job to ensure its health is safeguarded for generations to come. With the implementation of stricter protection policies, rigorous reforestation efforts, increased public awareness and a decrease in human activity on the water, there is a great potential for improvement. Let us strive for a brighter future for the mighty Mississippi.