Do Diamonds Was Down The Mississippi River

Do Diamonds Wash Down The Mississippi River?

In the world of geology, diamonds are an endlessly fascinating subject, and it’s no wonder they’ve become such an important source of wealth and cultural prestige. But it has been a long-standing question as to why diamonds are so rare and hard to find. Many stories have been propagated of diamonds being washed down the Mississippi River, even reaching the Gulf Coast. This article will provide background information, relevant data, and perspectives from experts to examine this theory.
One of the most interesting facts about diamonds is that they can be found only in small numbers in certain areas of the world. According to the Gemological Institute of America (GIA), the major producers of industrial diamonds are in Russia and Australia, with natural gem-quality stones coming from sites in Africa, India, Russia, and Canada. Most diamonds originate from kimberlites, an unidentified type of black volcanic rock that is sometimes brought to the surface due to a volcanic eruption.
So how do diamonds get into the Mississippi River? It is not a natural occurring form of diamond, it is believed that the precious stones were washed downstream from diamond-rich areas of Canada and the Midwestern United States. This theory has been contested by experts, who argue that diamonds are much too hard to be carried along by the aggressive course of the Mississippi River.
One expert on the subject, Dr. Stephen J. J. Haggerty from the University of Miami, believes that the primary source of diamonds found in the Mississippi River system is from glacial activity in Midwest regions. He proposed that some of the diamonds had probably been brought down from the Canadian Shield area by glacial action and deposited up and down the Mississippi Valley.
According to Dr. Haggerty, diamond concentrations in the sediment of the Mississippi River were determined by plotting samples taken in the late 19th century. He found that the samples collected from the Mississippi had diamond concentrations much lower than those collected from the Missouri River, a glacial parent of the Mississippi and a possible source of diamonds in the river system.
Still, many people have been drawn to the Mississippi River in search of diamonds, which they believe were washed down from the Midwest. In the 19th century, diamond-prospectors flocked to the riverbanks hoping to find a few pieces of the precious stones in the sediment. Despite this, the search has yet to produce any significant finds.

Miners & Dredgers On The Mississippi

In more recent years, diamond-prospectors have shifted their attention to the dredging of the upper reaches of the Mississippi in search of diamonds. Dredging involves the use of large machinery to dig up sediment from the river bottom and move it to land where it can be more easily examined for diamonds and other valuables.
Most of the machinery used for diamond-dredging in the Mississippi River is owned by private companies, who hire seasoned miners and dredgers to operate the equipment. To date, the dredging has not produced any significant diamond finds.

The Role Of Geology

There is another possibility that geologists have suggested, that is, diamonds were never actually present in the Mississippi River to begin with. One professional geologist, Dr. Z. W. Harris, believes that the chances of any glacial transport of diamonds to the lower segment of the Mississippi River is slim to none. According to him, the changing course of the river due to erosion and continued deposition of sediment may have destroyed any evidence of transported diamonds.
Given the diamond-rich areas of Canada and the Midwest have been used as the possible source for diamonds found in the Mississippi, Harris believes that it is more likely that the diamond deposits are from local sources. It has also been suggested that diamonds may have formed from the altered rocks found in parts of the Mississippi River.

Laboratory Tests

In order to investigate this theory, laboratory tests were conducted on diamonds located along the Lower Mississippi River. The aim was to identify the nature of the diamonds and assess their origin. The tests revealed that the diamonds were likely not of glacial origin, but instead were likely to have been formed locally.
This conclusion suggests that diamonds were transported to the Mississippi River by other means, such as erosion of diamonds or the movement of weathered rocks. The results of the tests make it even more difficult to definitively answer whether or not diamonds were, in fact, washed down the Mississippi River.

Local People Beliefs

In addition to scientific explanations, local people of the regions around the Mississippi River hold a variety of beliefs regarding the source of the diamonds in the river. These beliefs often times center on a mythical figure known as ‘Diamond Jack’, who is said to have collected and carried diamonds from upper reaches of the river to the lower regions.
Some local people also believe that the diamonds are coming from the North and South Poles and are deposited by the wind! Consequently, this theory reinforces the fact that the origin of these diamonds remains unknown, despite the many theories advanced.

A Growing Industry

Despite lack of concrete proof and the unproven story of ‘Diamond Jack’, diamond prospecting on the Mississippi River has become a booming industry. Private companies are offering a range of services to locals, including guided river expeditions and searching with the assistance of metal detectors.
The commercialisation of diamond prospecting and the subsequent publicity generated around it, has been a driving force in increasing awareness of diamonds in the river. Many people still visit and search the banks of the Mississippi hioping for the find of their life, diamonds.

Environmental Risks

That said, diamond prospecting on the Mississippi is not without environmental risks. Increased dredging and excavation can lead to increased erosion, which can disrupt natural habitats and cause considerable damage to riverbanks. Furthermore, the movement of heavy machinery and vehicles to the river can create deep tracks in nearby areas, making access to the area difficult and potentially damaging the environment.


The Mississippi River has long been recognized as a potential source of diamonds, but the true origin of the diamonds has yet to be determined. Although scientific research has identified the diamonds to be of local origin, the final answer is still unknown.
The increased popularity, awareness, and commercialization of diamond prospecting in the river has been a double-edged sword, providing hope to diamond-seekers while also potentially damaging the environment of the river. Until a more definite answer is found, the mystery of the diamonds in the Mississippi River will remain.

Raymond Strasser is a passion-driven writer and researcher, dedicated to educating readers on the topic of world rivers. With a background in Geography and Environmental Studies, Raymond provides insightful pieces which explore the impact and importance that rivers have around the world.

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