Sharks are large, carnivorous fish found in some of the planet’s oceans and seas, but can they be found in the Mississippi River? The answer is yes – although there are some important considerations to keep in mind when thinking about sharks inhabiting the Mississippi River.
Interestingly, while there are no native species of actual sharks in the Mississippi River, there are some species of shark-like fish. The American bull shark is known to inhabit this body of water, primarily during the summer months. With a trademark set of jagged teeth and a penchant for swimming in freshwater, this imposing fish can reach lengths of up to 11 feet. As such, it can be a menace to anglers and swimmers alike.
The origin of bull sharks in the Mississippi River goes back some two centuries, when fish biologists believe the species was introduced into the waterways via the man-made canals built throughout the region. In the 1930s, the fish were spotted as far upriver as St. Louis, Missouri, suggesting they are now well-established in the Mississippi River and its tributaries.
Bull sharks in the Mississippi feed on bony fish and invertebrates, although they have been known to eat birds and snakes on occasion. They are generally more active during the night, but can be encountered during the day as well. It is believed these sharks may also predate on larger mammals such as beavers, muskrats, and deer.
The fact that bull sharks are well-nuanced in the ecosystem of the Mississippi River means people in the area don’t have to worry about them coming ashore and wreaking havoc. In fact, most of the species’ danger comes from human beings, who can mistakenly believe the fish to be an actual shark and attempt to catch it.
Although there have been reports of the occasional shark-bite in the Mississippi River, these cases have been attributed to smaller species of shark-like fish. In general, bull sharks of the Mississippi are seen as shy and reclusive, more interested in eating smaller aquatic life than they are in bothering humans.
Nuisance Alligators
Besides bull sharks, alligators have been known to inhabit the Mississippi River in certain regions. In the summer of 2018, an alligator around four feet in length was spotted in the banks of a lake in Mississippi, evoking some concern among local fishermen.
Alligators in the region represent a rare occurrence, with the majority of alligator sightings taking place in southern parts of the United States, from Florida to Texas. Generally, alligators won’t attempt to attack humans but are a nuisance for fishermen and can disturb the waterfowl.
That said, many native Americans have reported encountering the species of alligator for centuries. As the species is usually shy and reclusive, the alligatory encounters tend to be few and far between, but they do occur.
Luckily, humans and their pets remain safe from alligators as they are rarely seen out of the water. Moreover, unless they are in some way provoked, alligators would much rather run away than pursue humans.
The Necessary Precaution
Despite the notion that bull sharks and alligators don’t pose a major threat to humans, it pays to take some preventive actions when travelling or fishing in the Mississippi River. Wearing bright clothing is one way to alert potential predators to your presence and reduce the chances of encountering a bull shark or alligator.
Similarly, it’s best to try to avoid swimming or fishing in dark, murky and weedy areas, which can be prime habitat for bull sharks and alligators. Avoiding areas with heavy boat traffic is also advised, as the decreased visibility puts you and others at greater risk of encountering large predatory fish. Lastly, it could also be worth investing in some waders, as they can help provide additional safety and may also save you from some unfortunate encounters.
The Rare Occurrence
Generally speaking, encounters with bull sharks and alligators in the Mississippi River are rare. That said, it essential for everyone to remain vigilant and wise when visiting the area, especially those on the hunt for large game fish in the summer months. If you do happen to encounter a bull shark or alligator, it’s best to stay as far away from them as possible. Just remember, don’t panic!
What Should You Do?
Should you come across a suspected bull shark or alligator in the Mississippi River, the course of action differs slightly. If you encounter an alligator, the best course of action is to back away and make yourself as large as possible, while remaining calm and cautious. Alligators rarely attack people, and they tend to avoid confrontation if they can.
In contrast, if you spot a bull shark, you should notify local authorities and refrain from attempting to confront it. This is because bull sharks are highly aggressive, and it’s not advised to attempt to engage them. Moreover, most people won’t be experienced enough to react appropriately in the event of a bull shark attack.
Collaborative Efforts
Projects to investigate the presence of bull sharks in the Mississippi River remain ongoing. In 2017, a group of biologists from the University of Southern Mississippi tested the waters for the presence of DNA from bull sharks and other sharks. The study found that bull sharks are present in the Mississippi, although their numbers are still limited.
The future of the bull shark population in the Mississippi is uncertain at present. But with the right measures in place, it is possible that these powerful fish can coexist peacefully with humans in the region. Comprehensive studies will be needed to understand the biology and ecology of the American bull shark in this part of the world, which could help inform sustainable management and conservation approaches.
Environmental Awareness
Ultimately, the presence of bull sharks and alligators in the Mississippi River calls for greater environmental awareness. People should be aware of the species inhabiting the river and their potential impact. Furthermore, visitors should make sure to act responsibly in the face of large predators and not attempt to challenge them in any way.
Ultimately, people need to recognize that the Mississippi River is a vast body of water and thus home to a variety of species – including sharks and alligators. It pays to take the necessary precautions when travelling, fishing or swimming in the Mississippi, which can help limit the chances of encountering these species.
Alternatives to Fishing
Besides taking necessary precautions to avoid large predators, individuals in the Mississippi River area can pursue different recreational activities. River tubing, canoeing, and kayaking are all popular activities in the region that do not disturb the environment and are unlikely to result in a dangerous encounter.
Boating is also another great activity in the Mississippi River. Fishing is a popular pastime for many in the region, but for those wanting to enjoy the scenery and explore, there are a variety of companies offering boating trips, from luxury to eco-tours.
What’s more, nature lovers can take wildlife tours and bird-watching excursions, which are becoming increasingly popular in many parts of the Mississippi River. Tour companies can provide the necessary equipment and instruction for these activities, making them a safe and enjoyable way to explore the region.
Sensitizing the Public
It is essential that people in the Mississippi River region be informed of the presence and dangers of bull sharks and alligators. Education campaigns, such as printed pamphlets, signage, and online materials, can help to better sensitize the public to the topic.
Likewise, school trips to educational facilities located in the region can help to teach children the importance of respecting the environment and respecting the presence of large predators in the area.
Finally, more marine biologists and zoologists should be using their expertise to further study the bull sharks and alligators present in the Mississippi River and its environs. This could include tracking the movements of the species, assessing population numbers and conducting research into potential management strategies.