Has A Shark Ever Been Found In The Mississippi River


Among the many strange and intriguing creatures that inhabit the world’s rivers, oceans, and freshwater lakes, sharks are some of the most formidable. Sharks notoriously swim in the waters off of the coast of the United States and beyond, but could one possibly live in the middle of the United States in a creeks, lakes, and the legendary Mississippi River? Has a shark ever been found in the Mississippi River?

What Kinds of Sharks Are Found in the Sea Near Mississippi River?

It would appear that a number of different species of sharks are found in the waters off the Mississippi River, including the bull and sand tiger shark. Bull sharks, which can commonly measure up to 10 feet in length and weigh as much as 500 pounds, are often found migrating upriver from the Gulf of Mexico. Sand tiger sharks, which are much smaller than the bull species, have also been sighted in the Mississippi River and have been known to migrate as far upstream as Memphis and other areas in Tennessee.

The Odds of a Shark in the Mississippi River

It seems likely that these individual specimens of shark were not regulars in the Mississippi River or its tributaries, as sharks are not naturally found this far inland. Rather, it appears that these individual animals have become disoriented or inadvertently jumped out of the Gulf of Mexico, then followed the river inland until they hit some sort of obstacle. This would greatly reduce the odds of a shark being found in the Mississippi River, as it would require an extreme stroke of luck for a species of shark which is naturally found near the Gulf to wind up in the middle of the United States.

The Presence of Other Fish

In addition to the presence of sharks, several other species of fish are located in the Mississippi River, including catfish, carp, bass, and other species. While the presence of these specimens would certainly attract some potential predators, they are not necessarily exclusive to the area, as there are plenty of more inviting places for a shark to feed, like the oceans where a variety of fish and marine life can be found.

Can Sharks Adapt To Freshwater?

It is also important to consider the fact that some species of sharks can survive and even prosper in freshwater. The bull shark is one of the most common species of shark known to be able to survive and thrive in freshwater, and is thus even considered a potential danger in places like the Amazon River. While what would seemingly be a unique and difficult adaptation for the bull shark appears to be possible, it is unlikely that other species of shark would be able to survive so far inland and adjust to the brackish waters that comprise the majority of the Mississippi River.


The presence of a shark in the Mississippi River could have a plethora of impacts on other marine life, as well as habitats along the river. Sharks are top-level predators in the marine food chain, and would likely affect species lower on the food chain, such as catfish and carp, by either devouring or scaring away their prey. Additionally, the presence of a shark along the river could potentially disrupt the fragile ecosystems that have been developed along the shoreline of the Mississippi in recent years, as well as altering the water quality of the river itself.

The Reality

Overall, it appears unlikely that a shark could wind up far inland in the Mississippi River, as what would require an incredibly unlikely turn of events for a species of shark known for its fondness for oceanic waters. This does not rule out the possibility entirely, however, as sharks like the bull species can make remarkable adaptations that allow them to feed and survive in freshwater, but their presence will remain rare and sporadic unless a true migration pattern of the species to the Mississippi River appears.


The presence of a shark in the Mississippi River could have a number of ecologic implications, as according to Thomas J. Gallegos, a marine ecologist at the University of Colorado in Boulder. “This is a huge river. It comes very far inland, and its effects are felt well outside its bounds,” or says Gallegos. “The presence of a shark species in the Mississippi River could have a profound effect on the already existing marine life.”

Legal Requirements

Additionally, it may be a requirement for those fishing the Mississippi to have certain permits if the presence of a shark is detected. This could mean a specialized permit in order to fish for the species, if it were to ever be found in the river. The effect of such a species living in the Mississippi could result in a new and interesting socio-economic aspect to the sport of fishing throughout the Mississippi River.

Presence of Harmful Microbes

It is also worth mentioning the presence of potentially harmful microbes in the Mississippi River, which could make the presence of a shark even more problematic. It is well known that the presence of harmful chemicals and pollutants has the potential to contaminate and pollute the body of water, and the presence of a shark species could spell even worse consequences if it were to be exposed to such contaminants.

Temperatures and Selective Feeding

In addition to the harmful elements, the temperature of the river could also be a determining factor in the presence of a shark. Species of shark must maintain a certain body temperature in order to remain healthy, and the cold of a northern winter could spell certain death for a species of shark not used to such temperatures. On top of that, sharks occasionally find themselves in a selective feeding pattern, where they will only eat certain species of fish. This could potentially spell trouble for the existing fish in the river if a species of shark were to take up residence in the Mississippi River.

Public Safety

Finally, the presence of a shark in the Mississippi River could have potential implications for the safety of public. While the presence of a shark may cause some awe and fascination, one must also consider the potential danger that such a species may pose to revelers and partakers of the beach. While the presence of a shark in these waters is highly unlikely, it is important for the public to be aware of the potential danger this species could pose, should it ever find its way inland into the Mississippi.

Visiting Mississipi

When travelling to the Mississippi, it is also important to be aware of the potential risks that may accompany visiting the river. While the chances of a shark being present in the river are slim, it is important to watch out for the potentially dangerous symptoms of too much exposure to salty and brackish water which could contain microbial contaminants. This means drinking bottled water, avoiding swimming in areas with murky water, and generally being aware of all potential risks that could accompany venturing out onto the water or the beach.


In conclusion, while the presence of a shark in the Mississippi River remains rare and unlikely, there is no denying the potential implications such a species could have if it were to find itself far inland. From the ecological effects, to the potential for public safety, there are a multitude of complex issues that arise from the potential of this species being located in the Mississippi River. It is ultimately up to us, the people of the United States, to remain alert and vigilant to the potential dangers posed by a species like the shark in such an inland body of water.

Raymond Strasser is a passion-driven writer and researcher, dedicated to educating readers on the topic of world rivers. With a background in Geography and Environmental Studies, Raymond provides insightful pieces which explore the impact and importance that rivers have around the world.

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