Has The Mississippi River Ever Been This Low

The Mississippi River has experienced historic low water levels in many parts of its process. In early August 2020, a survey revealed that the water level in the Mississippi was as much as two-thirds of a meter lower than usual.

The magnitude of this drop has left many of the Mississippi barge operators questioning whether they will be able to continue their businesses. The fact that many of the locks and dams experience this low water level creates a significant burden for them to transport goods up and down the river.

Not just barge traffic has been impacted. The other traffice up and down the Mississippi includes both pleasure craft and recreation boats. In short, the river is open for recreational use, but is much shallower and more treacherous for larger vessels.

Scientists studying the Mississippi have stepped up to find answers to this problem. One group of experts from the University of Alabama conducted a study of water levels to determine the cause of the lowered water levels. They looked at measurements taken both in the past and present, and found that in many parts of the river, record-low water levels have occurred in recent months.

Scientist have attributed the variations of the water levels on the Mississippi to two factors. The first being climate change, which has caused an overall decrease in the amount of precipitation falling in the basin. The second issue, as some believe, is a consequence of the barriers constructed by the humans. These man-made obstacles constrict the flow of water and thus reduce the flow rate of the river.

The effects of this drop in water level will continue to be immense. Recreation on the Mississippi will be more limited than in the past, fishing activities at the rivermouths may be suspended, and barge traffic will be significantly hampered until the waters return to their normal levels. In addition, flooding could become more of a reality as there is not enough water to drain away when the heavy rains come.

Not all has been negative, as the sudden change has allowed for new insights. With the waters receding, considerable new land has been exposed, leading to extensive mapping and data collection efforts to create a more comprehensive picture of the environment. Furthermore, the decrease has caused some saltwater species previously held back by the freshwaters to make their way into the river, indicating that the health of the river has increased as a result.

Impact on the Economy

A drop in the water level not only affects the environment, but also heavily impacts the economy. The lower level of the Mississippi restricts shipping of food and other goods along the river, which consequently raises the shipping prices on certain goods. Additionally, the impact is felt by local businesses and institutions who depended on the river for their daily operations due to the halted water-borne transportation.

The current low waters are particularly concerning as the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration predicts that these record-low levels will remain in place until late 2021. This creates additional economic hardships that many of the coastal communities depend on.

Measures are being taken to counter the effects of the low waters. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is dredging sections of the river to keep the depths and currents reasonable for smaller vessels. In collaboration with private organizations, the Corps is also restoring wetlands and other areas in the region as means of compensating any loss of habitats.

It is unclear how long it will take before the water levels return to their normal levels but based on the current predictions it seems the effects of the low waters will have to be dealt with for the time being.

Raising Awareness

It is important to realize that the Mississippi River does not exist in a vacuum and eco-systemic events like this do not go unnoticed. Along the river, ecosystem services are being provided to both rural and urban populations who heavily rely on the health of the river.

Educational institutions have also taken note of the river’s current state and are actively engaging in outreach programmes to inform the public of the consequences of low water levels. In an effort to reverse the effects, many commit to efforts such as volunteering, park cleanups and advocating for reforestation and habitat restoration.

In addition to these outreach efforts, some grassroots campaigns are also taking place. For example, the organization River for Life, in partnership with the Mississippi Watershed Management Organisation, launched a project to use the voices of communuties to raise awareness and take action on water conservation.

The #RiverforLife project, which began in April 2020, has already seen success in encouraging conversations around the importance of water and what people can do to ensure its health. Over 1,000 people have joined the effort and more continue to pledge their support.

Academic Articles and Reports

Researchers and academics have not lagged behind either, as the lack of water in the Mississippi has inspired some to take it upon themselves to contribute to the conversation.

A report issued by the U.S. Geological Survey stated that during the first week of August 2020, the water levels on the Mississippi were the lowest they had been since 1927. Stiffer droughts have also been observed before, and the dilemma is where to draw the line as to when the levels become too low for navigation.

In addition, the reports by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, outline the potential effects of climate change on the water supply. Researchers suggest that if the current conditions persist and the climate change predictions are accurate, the river’s water levels could decrease even further in the coming years.

Moreover, research from the Department of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Madison states that the changes in weather patterns due to climate change may cause some rivers to become drier over time.

In light of this, the USGS report suggests that adapting to the changes in water levels as a result of climate change should be taken as seriously as any other immediate concern.

Societal Impact

The drop in water level brings hardship to communities along the Mississippi River. Despite the drought and its associated problems, communities remain connected through their shared experience and culture. local cultures, economies and activities are impacted greatly, for example, traditional fishing is difficult due to the low waters.

Additionally, the rise in temperatures caused by climate change has brought on a whole new set of obstacles, as the water temperature rises with the air temperature. Although this has not affected the water level directly, it has caused other creatures from further downstream to migrate North, depleting resources and bringing along certain diseases with their migration.

Furthermore, the scarcity of resources has some far-reaching consequences for recreation activities such as boating, fishing and hunting, activities that used to take place on the Mississippi River. The lack of water in many areas of the river has reduced the chances of successful fishing and hunting trips, leaving communities without access to recreational activities that had been a part of their existence for centuries.

The economic effects of the lower water levels are forcing people to adapt, with some entrepreneurs finding new ways to make money by providing services like water rationing and supply, utilizing their knowledge of the river. Of course, the economic effects on small communities can last for years.

Environmental Impact

A drop in the water level of the Mississippi is not only impacting the human population surrounding it, it is also affecting the environment. One of the most notable changes has been the disappearance of wetland areas, as shorelines have been pushed further inland.

The shallow waters also put the flora and fauna of the river at risk of drying out and becoming degraded. Already endangered species depend on the river for their sustenance, so the lack of water has been particularly detrimental to the ecosystems surrounding them.

Along with the lost habitats, there has also been a sharp decrease in the number of fish species. Although some species are seemingly not affected by the drop in water levels, others are more sensitive, as they require deeper depths of water to survive.

As the water levels continue to drop, more problems will arise. While proactive measures are taking place, exactly how much the Mississippi River ecosystem can take is yet to be seen.

Raymond Strasser is a passion-driven writer and researcher, dedicated to educating readers on the topic of world rivers. With a background in Geography and Environmental Studies, Raymond provides insightful pieces which explore the impact and importance that rivers have around the world.

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