How Deep Is The Water Of The Mississippi River Delta?
The Mississippi Delta is an immense, iconic wetland system that’s rich in wildlife and natural beauty. It covers an area of more than 30,000 square miles and is one of the largest and most biologically diverse estuaries in the world. Its main feature, the Mississippi River Delta, is a waterscape of intricate channels, wetlands and swamps, but just how deep is the water?
The depth of the water in any given area of the Delta is dependent on several factors, including location and time of year. In areas where the riverbed is deep and wide enough, the depth of the water can be quite significant. For instance, the depth of water around the entrance to the Delta near Southwest Pass can be as deep as 70ft in some places. However, as the river meanders further into the Delta, the water gradually becomes shallower due to the silting effects of the river, sediment and rainwater.
This gradual change in depth is influenced by the pumping effects of the Mississippi River’s strong currents, which move huge amounts of soil, debris and sediment downstream towards the Delta and gradually fill up the river channels and wetlands. Over time, this process drastically reduces the depth of the water in many areas. In some of the bayous and lakes of the Delta the water can be shallow enough to easily touch the bottom.
The average depth of the Delta can also be affected by the times of year. During the rains of spring and summer, the Delta’s water levels will naturally rise, while during the dry season of autumn and winter the levels will drop. This turbulent nature of the Delta’s water levels can affect the average depth and width of the water in many areas.
Knowing the exact depth of Delta waters can be an absolute necessity for many marine operations, such as freight transport and cargo, so there are many local surveyors who conduct regular hydrological surveys to measure, analyse and accurately record the changing depths in the Delta.
Due to its unique and ever-changing structure, the Mississippi Delta continues to remain a mystery, but with its silted swamps, intricate river channels, and abundance of wildlife, it’s a worthwhile trek for any explorer looking for a slice of wild Americana.
Impact On Marine Life
The fluctuating depths of the Mississippi Delta have a major impact on the marine life living in the waters. The Delta is home to over 300 species of fish, reptiles, birds and mammals, many of which are found in the estuary’s deep and shallow waters. The shallow water of the Delta provides a vital spawning area for many predator fish such as bass and perch, while the deeper areas provide safe refuge and promote the migration of other species such as blue crabs and paddlefish.
The complex web of life that the Delta supports is directly linked to the water levels and depths of the estuary itself. When water levels rise during certain times of year, the nutrients that are naturally found in the deep channels are brought up to the surface, creating the perfect breeding and migration grounds for many of the Delta’s inhabitants.
Unfortunately, the Mississippi River Delta is also a highly sensitive environment, and any changes to the water levels can have a devastating effect on the delicate ecosystem. For example, in times of prolonged drought, the water levels may drop significantly, and this can prevent the reproduction of fish and other species, and consequently damage the delicate food chain.
The Mississippi River Delta is a special and unique area, and understanding its delicate balance between water depths and marine life is essential for the survival of the estuary and its wildlife.
Potential Human Activity Effects
Understanding the depths and water levels of the Mississippi River Delta is also vital for humans as the area is a major trade and transport route. High capacity vessel traffic, such as cargo ships, which frequent the Delta’s passageways, rely on the water levels to be high enough in order to navigate safely and securely. Low water levels can cause vessels to become grounded or stuck, while high water levels can create a number of risks and hazardous conditions.
The Delta is also an important resource for the local fisheries. Commercial fishing operations take advantage of the plentiful fish stocks that inhabit the estuary, but again, changes in the water levels can have a huge impact on the supply and abundance of fishes. During studies conducted in the Delta, it has been found that when the water level drops, the availability and abundance of big game species such as bass, catfish, and bluegill decline significantly.
Furthermore, the dredging of the Mississippi River and other major rivers, such as the Atchafalaya, the Ouachita and the Red, has a major effect on the depths of the river Delta. The dredging process involves removing soil and sediment from the riverbed in order to widen the waterways and make them more navigable. Unfortunately, the process can reduce the water levels of the Delta significantly and limit the habitat and breeding grounds of the estuary’s inhabitants.
The depths of the Mississippi River Delta are ever-changing and difficult to predict, but one thing is certain, the Delta is a special oasis of wildlife and natural beauty and we must do everything we can to protect and maintain it.