How Did the Mississippi River Flood Start?
Widely known as one of the world’s largest rivers, the Mississippi River is a crucial source of electricity, transportation, and recreation for millions of people in the United States. Although the Mississippi has been referred to as a life line for many, it has proved to be destructive at times, as evidenced by its well-known floods throughout history. In modern times, the Mississippi River floods are largely regulated and mitigated through the efforts of dams, levees, and other artificial means, but prior to these modern adaptions the river could wreak havoc when the Mississippi flooded. So how did the beginning of the Mississippi River floods begin and what natural events led to the floods?
What Causes the Mississippi River Floods?
The cause of a Mississippi River flood is generally attributed to runoff and precipitation, as a result of heavy rain, snow melt, and sediment runoff from adjacent fields and city streets. When the combination of precipitation, runoff, and sediment become too great for the Mississippi River to handle, the increased water flows over the banks or breaches levees, resulting in a flood of major proportions. In addition to precipitation and runoff, ice jams upstream of the Mississippi River also contribute to Mississippi flooding.
History of Mississippi River Floods
Mississippi floods have caused major destruction over the centuries throughout the Mississippi River basin, disrupting entire communities and forcing entire settlements to be relocated. The river’s flooding tendencies have been part of the history since the earliest settlers came to the area, as Native Tribes recognized that the river was prone to heavy flooding during the spring months. Later, settlers of the Louisiana Territory observed the same seasonal overflows.
Notably, the most severe Mississippi River flood in recorded history occurred in 1927, when more than 16 million acres of land were inundated in the middle and lower-reaches of the river. Waters rose to record heights in numerous locations, and many areas of Louisiana, Mississippi, and Arkansas were severely damaged by the flooding. This devastating flood had such a profound effect on the region that it is often referred to as the Great Mississippi Flood of 1927.
Mitigation and Regulation of Mississippi Floods
Since the Great Mississippi Flood of 1927, much progress has been made to regulate and mitigate rising river levels and flooding by the use of artificial control measures, such as dams, canals, levees, and other river-control structures. These flood-control measures are designed to contain and slow the release of large amounts of water from sudden flooding events, helping to protect people and property from being affected by the rising waters. The US Army Corps of Engineers is charged with the task of maintaining and constructing these flood-control structures, making them safer and more effective at preventing flooding.
These efforts have largely been successful, but Mississippi River flooding can still occur at any time if there is a sufficiently large influx of precipitation or runoff. Unfortunately, despite the best efforts of the flood-control measures, damages from floods on the Mississippi can be significant, causing major losses in life, property, and the environment.
Impact of Mississippi River Floods
Flooding of the Mississippi River has had a major impact on peoples’ lives historically, as well as in modern times. Aside from the devastating effects of loss of life and property, Mississippi River flooding has caused long-term economic hardships in some parts of the basin. For instance, the Great Mississippi flood of 1927 caused an estimated $400 million in damages, equating to billions in today’s currency.
In modern times, the Mississippi River floods can take a toll on commerce and transportation, as the river remains a key transportation link for many communities. Mississippi floods also have a major environmental impact, as rising waters can disrupt wildlife habitats, contaminate drinking water, and destroy crops.
Preventing Mississippi River Floods
Given the potential for massive destruction from the Mississippi River floods, it is critical that individuals, businesses, and the government continue to put efforts into preventing, mitigating, and containing the effects of flooding on the river. This includes efforts to control erosion, prevent runoff, and strengthen existing dams and levees.
In addition, local communities can play an important role in preventing flooding on the Mississippi. Residents should take steps to protect their property from flooding, such as controlling runoff, reinforcing levee systems, and ensuring that drainage systems are properly functioning. By doing so, they can help reduce the risk of flooding and its devastating effects.
Economic Impact
Aside from the environmental, human, and financial costs, Mississippi River floods can also have a significant economic impact on local economies. For instance, the Great Mississippi Flood of 1927 closed countless factories, businesses, and transportation routes, causing a severe downturn in domestic manufacturing. In addition, the flooding of the Mississippi can cause a dramatic drop in tourism due to the perception of an unsafe environment. As a result, local economic activity can suffer greatly in the wake of a Mississippi River flood.
The Mississippi River floods have caused significant destruction throughout history, as evidenced by the Great Mississippi Flood of 1927. As such, it is critical that communities, businesses, and the government continue to invest in preventing and mitigating the effects of flooding on the river. By taking steps to control erosion, prevent runoff, and strengthen existing flood-control measures, individuals and communities can help to protect themselves and their property from the devastation of a Mississippi River flood.