The Mississippi River is one of theworld’s great waterways, meandering2,520 miles from Minnesota to theGulf of Mexico. It is by far the longestriver in the United States. It is knownfor its strength, beauty and its ability to shift over time, impacting where itflows, how it creates and destroysland and how it impacts its many inhabitant species.
The current of the Mississippi Rivervaries dramatically, depending onhours of the day, season and riverlevel. In general, the highest currentis found during the peak of springflood, when the river rises and bringsmassive amounts of water into thesystem. During flood times, the currentcan reach speeds of 6-7 miles an hour,especially near the headwaters. Duringdrier times, the current slows to1-2 miles an hour.
The fast current of the Mississippi Rivercan have both positive and negativeimplications, and the US Army Corps ofEngineering monitors the river closely.Ken Chandler, the Head of Operations atthe USACE explains, “It’s important thatwe keep an eye on the river currents,both to ensure public safety and to makethe most of the economic benefits of theriver.” High currents allow largecommercial vessels to move quickly andsafely, supporting the regionaleconomy and transport jobs.
However, if the currents become toostrong, flows can become too quicksand and debris collected in the rivercreating dangerous and impassableobstacles for smaller vessels. Everyyear the USACE manages hundreds ofdredging projects to combat this,moving the sediment and debris in aneffort to keep the river navigable. Thecurrents also impact the formations ofislands and sandbars, as well asimpacting the wildlife habitats of manyendangered species.
Changes in the relationship of theMississippi River to its ecosystem andhuman civilization often leads toconflicts. While the strong currents ofthe river bring economic benefits, it isimportant to keep an eye on theenvironmental impact. As warned by theNational Park Service, “The strength ofthe currents can erode wetlands, resultingin a swift and unexpected loss ofhabitat, making it difficult for fish andwildlife to live.”
The USACE and other organisations areworking hard to mitigate the impact ofthe Mississippi’s current on its manyinhabitants. Many innovative techniqueshave been proposed in recent years,including proposals to construct leveesand other structures to contain theflow of the river. Other proposals callfor creating flow diversions and stabilizingshorelines to protect the delicatewildlife habitats from erosion. However,none of these ideas address the issuessurrounding the strength of the current,leaving the river’s future uncertain.
Impact on Migratory Species
The fast current of the Mississippi River is able to whisk away large animals, such as fish, birds and mammals. These animals are essential to the balance of the Mississippi, helping to spread nutrients, improve soil quality and promote new growth for the river’s many inhabitants.
Migratory species, such as freshwater fish, must migrate up and down the Mississippi in order to access spawning grounds, sometimes travelling hundreds of miles in the process. The strength of the current can have a great impact on their success, as it can easily overtake those that are not strong enough to make the journey.
The USACE, alongside other wildlife and conservation groups, have introduced laws that forbid commercial vessels from travelling at night, when migratory species are most active. Additionally, lock-in dams have been proposed in some sections of the river, in order to regulate the flow and slow the river current during times of peak activity.
Monitoring and improving the health of these species is vital for the sustainability of the Mississippi. Recent research has shown that an increase in the population of freshwater species can result in a healthy, diverse and thriving river ecosystem, providing a better quality of life for both people and animals.
Environmental Impacts
The Mississippi River is a living breathing system, and its strength and vitality can dramatically influence its environment. The fast current and high levels of water pollution can have a major impact on the river’s health, often leading to increased erosion, increased sedimentation and decreased oxygen levels in the water.
Higher levels of sedimentation can clog the mouth of the river, leading to a decrease in water quality, as well as an increase in the prevalence of invasive species. Additionally, the fast current can cause serious soil erosion, leading to a dramatic shift in the river’s landscape, as well as negatively impacting its many inhabiting species.
It is imperative for us to understand the environmental impacts of the current, in order to sustain the Mississippi’s delicate ecosystem. To this end, various governmental organisations have put in place programs to monitor and protect the river, in order to ensure it stays healthy now and in the future.
Recreational Use
While the Mississippi River is heavilylaboriouslyused as a commercialwaterway, it also provides variousentertainment and recreationservices. Many people visit theMississippi to fish, camp, sail and watchwildlife. To make this possible, theMississippi’s fast current must becalibrated and managed in a mannerthat caters to all its users.
Travelling the Mississippi’s waters can be dangerous, often due to its quickcurrents, as well as large amounts ofdebris and obstacles. Regulations arein place to restrict residential boats tospecific channels and to limit speedwhen passing large vessels.
Additionally, warnings are in place forendangered species and areas ofarcheological interest, advisingvisitors to take caution and act withrespect. However, it is not all danger;the Mississippi also provides moments ofbeauty and joy. The scenery is one ofthe Mississippi’s strongest draws, andits fast current can create wonderfuldynamic movements in the water,allowing visitors to fully engage withit.
Marketing the Mississippi River
In an effort to raise awareness of theMississippi River, a number ofmarketing campaigns have beenderun in recent years, targeting theriver’s various recreational andcommercial uses, as well as its literary,musical and cultural appreciation.
The campaigns have been focused onlocal residents and visitors, trying toeducate them on the vital importanceof the river to their livelihood. TheUSACE has also funded various events,such as educational displays,guided tours and themed activities, aswell as running an extensive websiteto provide visitors with in-depthinformation about the river.
The campaigns have been incrediblysuccessful, highlighting the power ofthe Mississippi and the many signs oflife it hosts. Visitors are now betterable to understand the strength of thecurrent and the vital role it plays inthe survival of wildlife, as well as theimportance of preserving and protectingthe river.
The strength of the current of theMississippi River plays a vital role in itsability to sustain a large number ofecosystems, support commercialwaterways and act as a source ofentertainment. As the USACE continuesto monitor the river, it is important torecognise the power of the current andthe impact it has on the Mississippiecosystem.
We must continue to strive to ensure wehave a healthy and vibrant MississippiRiver, one that supports both the localecosystem and local economies. Byraising awareness and advocatingfor protective measures, we can ensurethat the Mississippi River is a wondroussource for now and generations tocome.