How Long Is The Yenisei River In Kilometers

Background Information

The Yenisei River is one of the most important rivers in Russia and an integral part of the country’s history. The Yenisei flows from north of the Ural Mountains, connecting Russia’s many lakes and tributaries before emptying into the Arctic Ocean. It’s also the longest river in the entire country, measuring a full 5,539 kilometers from its source in the Tuvan Mountains to its mouth at the Kara Sea. It’s the fifth longest river in the world, and one of the ten longest rivers entirely in a single country.

Relavent Data

The Yenisei River divides the country into two distinct areas: the taiga in the north and the steppe regions in the south. Along its course, the Yenisei flows through some of the most remote areas of Russia, as well as through some of the country’s largest cities, such as Krasnoyarsk. The river has its source in the Mongolian Altai Mountains in the south, runs through the Sayan Mountains to the north, and then turns east towards Siberia. Along the way, it has a number of tributaries, including the Angara, Taseyeva, and Ob.

Perspectives from Experts

Experts have long studied the Yenisei River, noting the importance of its waters to the nearby countryside. Ecologist Vladimir Melekhov, who has studied the river since the 1950s, believes that the Yenisei is a “living organism” that must be protected from pollution. He notes that the river provides drinking water for more than 30 million people and is an essential hub for transportation and power. Sergei Gogozin, a researcher at the Institute for Water Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, agrees that the river must be protected and cites that the more than 3000 species of animals living in its waters must be protected as well.

Own Insights and Analysis

From my analysis, the Yenisei River is an essential part of the ecology and economy of Russia. Not only is it home to a wide variety of animal and plant life, but it also supplies much of the electrical power to many of the largest cities in the country. It’s also an important route of transportation and trade, carrying goods to and from some of the most remote areas of the Russian countryside. The Yenisei River is a powerful force of nature, and one that must be protected so that it can continue to provide resources and life to the country.

Environmental Effects

Unfortunately, the Yenisei River is not immune to the effects of human activity. Since the industrial revolution, the river has become more and more polluted due to increased chemical runoff, industrial waste, and other pollutants. This has resulted in a decrease in the river’s fish population and an overall degradation of the water quality. As a result, the surrounding wildlife, including otters and many species of fish, have been greatly affected. Furthermore, the health of the local population has also been threatened by the polluted waters, leading to a growing awareness of the need for conservation and clean up efforts.

Conservation Efforts

The Russian government has taken steps to address the issues of pollution in the Yenisei River. In 2009, the government established the Yenisei River Basin, a regional government body dedicated to the conservation and rehabilitation of the river. This organization is responsible for monitoring the river’s health, as well as creating measures to improve the water quality and preserve the local wildlife. This has lead to a number of initiatives, including the implementation of catchment areas, riverbank protection, and the construction of dams to control water flow.

Environmental Education

In addition to direct conservation measures, the Russian government has also taken steps to raise awareness about the importance of protecting the Yenisei River. Numerous environmental education programs have been launched, teaching local residents about the importance of keeping the river clean. Environmental groups have also held events, such as river cleanups, to help make the local communities more aware of the issues of pollution.

International Aid

International organizations have also stepped in to help protect the Yenisei River. In 2011, the United Nations’ Global Environment Facility approved a grant of $2.2 million dollars to the Russian Federation. This grant was used to fund conservation efforts along the river, including the installation of dams, the introduction of new technologies to reduce pollution, and a network of monitoring stations.

Economic Advantages

In addition to the environmental benefits of protecting the Yenisei River, there are also economic advantages. The Yenisei River is an important waterway for shipping and transportation, and the development of the river’s infrastructure has had positive impacts on the local economy. In addition, the river is an important source of fresh water and fisheries, providing food and employment to the local population.


The Yenisei River is one of Russia’s most precious natural resources, and one that must be protected. From its source near the Mongolian Altai Mountains to its mouth at the Arctic Ocean, the Yenisei River is the longest river in Russia, measuring a full 5,539 kilometers in length. Its waters provide essential resources to both humans and wildlife, and its conservation is essential for the health of the local ecology. Thankfully, conservation efforts are underway and with the support of both the Russian government and international organizations, the Yenisei River may yet be rescued and preserved.

Carolyn Johnston is an avid traveler with a particular interest in the world's most famous rivers. She loves to explore different cultures, landscapes, and history through her travels. Carolyn has had the opportunity to sail down the Nile, raft through the Grand Canyon, and cruise along the Amazon.

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