How Many Miles Is The Mississippi River Bridge

What Are The Mississippi River Bridge’s Features?

The Mississippi River Bridge is a remarkable structure connecting two sides of the mighty Mississippi River, which has become a hallmark of access and transportation. The bridge, which was constructed in 1999, is one of the longest vehicular steel truss bridges in the United States. It spans 3.2 miles and provides access to the river on both sides, as well as 47 counties and five states, located on either side of the river. The bridge carries US Hwy 82 and is crossed by 130,000 vehicles each day.

The Purpose of The Construction

For a long time, the Mississippi River was crossed by ferries, which were slow and sometimes dangerously compromised due to surges in the river. When the bridge was constructed, it had one purpose and goal: improving the lives of local communities and providing a safe and efficient way of crossing the river. Local experts and engineers worked together to build this magnificent structure, which fulfills the goal and brings comfort to many drivers who use it daily.

The Unique Design of The Mississippi River Bridge

The unique design of the bridge is something of a marvel. Its central arch is built using a combination of steel and concrete. The cable facings are decked with stainless steel and have an unusual lattice pattern. This structure was made to withstand strong Mississippi River currents as well as withstand the weight of heavy traffic loads.

Internally, The Mississippi River Bridge Is Reinforced

Despite being built with a unique design, the Mississippi River Bridge is also held together by thick steel spans, which add a measure of strength to the structure. These are covered underneath the roadway and are critical in preventing accidents from occurring. Providing additional reinforcement to the bridge are the columns and trusses, which act as a buffer between the roadway and the river.

Safety is A Major Priority On The Bridge

Safety is an important priority on the Mississippi River Bridge and many features have been put in place to ensure a safe crossing for all users. These features include additional lighting for nighttime travel, as well as two separate shoulder walls that ensure that cars have plenty of room to maneuver. Additionally, the bridge has extra barriers which help slow vehicles down, should they start to turn too quickly.

Bridge Maintenance

Regular maintenance is important to the Mississippi River Bridge, this includes planned maintenance such as resurfacing the roadways and painting the structure with rust-resistant coatings. The Mississippi Department of Transportation also routinely inspects the bridge to make sure it is safe.

Bridge Tolls

The Mississippi River Bridge has a toll program, which charges travelers a fee before they are allowed to cross the bridge. This fee is meant to cover the costs of bridge maintenance and safety. The bridge tolls vary depending on the type of vehicle and the distance traveled across the bridge.

Environmental Impact

The construction of the Mississippi River Bridge has had both positive and negative impacts on the environment. On the positive side, the bridge reduces traffic on the river, thereby treating flooding risks. On the negative side, the bridge has caused disruptions to natural wildlife habitats in the rivers below.

The Tourists Perspective

The Mississippi River Bridge is popular amongst tourists who come to admire its innovative design. Aside from its technical aspects, the bridge offers an amazing view of the river and its rolling banks. Visitors can take a walking tour of the bridge, or ride their bike or car and soak in the sights from a safe distance.

Economic Benefits

The Mississippi River Bridge has generated many economic benefits for the communities located around it. The bridge facilitates trade across state lines, which has helped spur economic growth in surrounding states. In addition, businesses have increased the amount of goods shipped across the bridge, providing more jobs for the local population.

Long-Term Effects on The Environment

The long-term effects of the Mississippi River Bridge are still being studied by experts. But, it is known that they have had a major impact on the river and its associated environment. By reducing the flow of the river, the bridge has caused sediment buildup and the disruption of established river habitats.


The Mississippi River Bridge is an incredible structure that has allowed the efficient crossing of the Mississippi River while increasing economic opportunities and providing access to new states and counties. The unique design of the bridge has also garnered admiration from tourists, and the bridge toll program is a necessary element for keeping the bridge in peak condition. Although the bridge has had some environmental impacts, experts are still studying the long-term effects to develop strategies for preservation.

Raymond Strasser is a passion-driven writer and researcher, dedicated to educating readers on the topic of world rivers. With a background in Geography and Environmental Studies, Raymond provides insightful pieces which explore the impact and importance that rivers have around the world.

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