How Many States Borders The Mississippi River

Mississippi is one of the most important rivers in the United States of America. It is considered to be one of the top five longest rivers in the world, stretching across a total of 2,320 miles. It is known to serve as the main drainage of an area of 41% of the circumference of the United States. But its importance pales in comparison when one considers the fact that it serves as an important boundary line between various states of the country. This begs the question: How many states border the Mississippi River?

Most people think that only the states of the Midwest region, such as Missouri, Arkansas, Iowa, and Minnesota, border the Mississippi River. However, that’s just a misconception. In actual fact, ten states across the United States actually border the Mississippi River. This is due to the extensive journeys that human expansion have taken in the past, but also due to the length of the river itself.

Firstly, there is Louisiana, which is the state located after Mississippi. Then, there is Tennessee and Arkansas, both of which lie on the western side of the state. Following them are Missouri and Iowa, which are located on either side of the river. After that comes Wisconsin on the northern side and Minnesota, which lies on the northernmost part of the river. Sixth on the list is Illinois, which is located to the east of the river. Lastly, Michigan, Kentucky, and Indiana, which are all located to the east of the Mississippi River.

Jay Stuart, a professor at the University of Mississippi, believes that the Mississippi river is the defining boundary of the mid-west region of the United States. “The river has always meant a great deal to the people of the region,” he says. “It is part of the heritage, the culture, and the politics of the area. It also serves an economic function in the area, providing a way for goods to be transported from one place to another.”

The states of these ten states share the river between them, making this river the source of right international borders. Though it is only a natural source, sharing rights over the waters of the Mississippi River is important because these waters are used for recreation, transportation, fishing, and other business activities. In fact, the states in the Midwest region, where the river runs through, is considered to be the bread basket of North America.

Talking about the history of the Mississippi River, its importance dates back to the 1700s and 1800s. During these times, the development of the waters of the Mississippi River was an important step for the further development of the nation and for the establishment of a connection between the North and the South. In addition, the river has played a significant role in the development of the region from a political and economic point of view.

Today, despite its importance, the Mississippi River faces numerous environmental challenges, like climate change and pollution. The river is also considered to be a major source of flooding, affecting the economy and the overall wellbeing of the people living in the surrounding areas. Despite being a natural source, the river has been heavily affected by human activity, resulting in the loss of natural habitat and species.

How Does Mississippi River Affect The States

The 10 states that border the Mississippi River are connected in more ways than one. During the colonial period, the river served as a major trade route between the states. Even today, it still serves as an integral part of the transportation system in the states and connecting them to the other states in the region. This means that if any of the statesface an issue, it is likely that the rest of the states will be affected.

In terms of trade, the Mississippi River serves as an important conduit for goods and services. Since it is important for transportation, the states trading across the river have the potential for economic gains. This is a fact acknowledged by the World Bank that suggests that the states which are located alongside the length of the Mississippi River are likely to experience higher economic growth compared to other states.

Apart from that, the river also serves an environmental purpose. The states using the river to transport goods and services enjoy cleaner air and water quality as it helps to reduce pollution. Thisis particularly true in states that rely on agriculture and fish as a source of income. The river also serves an important role in managing floods in the area and helping communities protect their properties.

How Is the Mississippi River Governed?

The Mississippi River is governed by a number of laws, including the Clean Water Act and the Rivers and Harbor Act of 1899. Under these laws, state governments are required to maintain the health of the Mississippi River. This includes preventing pollutants from entering the river, controlling sediment and other pollutants, establishing and managing wetlands, and limiting the construction of dams and other structures.

In addition, the laws also require states to cooperate and collaborate with each other to ensure a high quality of the water. As a result, the states along the Mississippi River have established the Mississippi River States Cooperative Agreement, which is an agreement among the ten states to cooperate in protecting the river. Under this agreement, each state is obligated to take steps to protect the health of the Mississippi River.

In addition, to protect the environment, the states have also formed the Mississippi River Commission (MRC). This commission oversees all activities related to the river, and works to ensure that states are taking the necessary steps to protect the river. They are responsible for maintaining the health of the river and preventing the occurrence of floods and other water-related disasters in the region.

What Are The Benefits of the Mississippi River?

The Mississippi River has had a profound impact on the ten states that border it. It has served as a major transportation route for goods and services, and helped to connect the states to each other. In addition, the river has also helped to protect and preserve the environment, as well as providing a natural habitat for various species of animals.

In terms of trade, the states along the Mississippi River can benefit from the river and use it as a source of economic growth. As previously mentioned, the World Bank suggested that the states along the length of the river are likely to experience higher economic growth compared to other states. The river also serves an important role in providing recreational opportunities for Montanans, as well as providing many opportunities for activities such as swimming, boating, and fishing.

Moreover, the Mississippi River is an important source of drinking water for many of the states. The states draw water from the river for drinking purpose, as well as for use in agricultural and industrial purposes. This makes it an indispensable natural resource for the states as it plays an important role in the lives of people living in the area.

What Are The Challenges Faced By Mississippi River?

Though the Mississippi River has been of immense importance to the ten states bordering it, unfortunately, it has also faced various challenges in recent years. One of the major challenges is climate change, which has caused the river’s levels to rise and fall unpredictably, leading to flooding and other disasters. Another challenge is pollution, which has caused the quality of the water to diminish.

In addition, due to the changing climate, various species of animals such as fish and birds are also facing threats. This has caused the natural habitat in the river to lose its diversity, resulting in a reduction in the number of species living in the river. Furthermore, the effects of pollution have resulted in a decrease in the quality of drinking water from the river, posing a threat to the health of citizens.

Moreover, the law-related challenges of the Mississippi River are becoming increasingly apparent. As discussed earlier, the states have established legal frameworks regarding the management and usage of the river, but due to human activities, many of these laws are being ignored by people. This has caused potential threats for the river, as well as for the ecosystem living in it.

What Can We Do To Protect The Mississippi River?

To protect the Mississippi River, it is important that the states along it take necessary measures. Firstly, they should make sure to adhere to the laws regarding the management and usage of the river, as these were put in place to protect the river. Secondly, they must make sure that the states are collaborating with each other to reduce pollution and improve water quality.

In addition, people living near the river must also do their part to reduce pollution. This includes properly disposing of garbage, preventing uncontrolled waste dumping, and making sure that wastewater is properly treated. If possible, citizens should volunteer within their respective states and participate in initiatives that raise awareness about the importance of protecting the Mississippi River.

Lastly, there needs to be an increased focus on developing sustainable initiatives that can help protect the health of the Mississippi River. This includes setting up sustainable development projects, such as creating wetlands, forests, and other natural habitats, as these can help to reduce the pressure on the river by providing an area for wildlife to thrive.

Raymond Strasser is a passion-driven writer and researcher, dedicated to educating readers on the topic of world rivers. With a background in Geography and Environmental Studies, Raymond provides insightful pieces which explore the impact and importance that rivers have around the world.

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