How Safe Is It To Swim Mississippi River

Overview of Mississippi River Swimming

Swimming in the Mississippi River is certainly not a new phenomenon. People have been doing it for recreation and recreation-related activities for years, whether it’s swimming in a lake or rowing down the river. However, with increased water pollution, the safety of swimming in the Mississippi River has come into question. Given the potential safety risks, it is important to understand what swimming in the Mississippi River involves and what safety precautions are necessary.

Pollutants in Mississippi River Water

The Mississippi River is notorious for its high levels of fecal coliform bacteria, an indicator of water pollution that has been linked to a variety of illnesses, including stomach flu and skin rashes. The polluted water can also contain other pollutants such as chemicals, metals, and nutrients. Nutrient pollutants, such as phosphates and nitrates, can increase algae growth and reduce oxygen levels, which can reduce the amount of fish and wildlife in the river.

Health Risks of Swimming in the Mississippi River

The CDC advises against swimming in the Mississippi River due to the potential health risks. Ingesting just a small amount of water can put swimmers at risk for gastrointestinal illnesses, skin and ear infections, and eye irritation. Although these effects are usually short-term, there is the potential for more serious illnesses from ingesting the polluted water. It is also important to note that the water has the potential to contain hazardous materials such as chemicals or sewage, which can cause more serious health issues.

Safety Precautions when Swimming in the Mississippi River

If you do decide to swim in the Mississippi River, there are a few safety precautions you should take. First, it is always a good idea to wear a life jacket to remain afloat and keep your body out of the water. It is also important to remember to avoid contact with the sediment and surface water, since this is the most likely way to ingest pollutants. Lastly, it is important to ensure that you are well-rested and hydrated before swimming to reduce the risk of becoming ill from the water.

The Impact of Swimming in the Mississippi River

When swimming in the Mississippi River, it is important to keep in mind that it can have an impact on the environment and the local wildlife. Swimming can stir up the sediment, which can contain metals, chemicals, and other pollutants that can damage the environment. Also, stirring up the sediment can reduce the amount of oxygen in the water, which can be detrimental to the local wildlife. Therefore, it is important to take measures to minimize the environmental impact of swimming in the Mississippi River.

Alternatives to Swimming in the Mississippi River

If you would like to experience a river or lake without the risk of illness, there are numerous safe alternatives to swimming in the Mississippi River. To truly experience nature, you can canoe or kayak in a river that has been deemed safe or alternative, man-made pools. Many of these places offer guided tours, so it is always a good idea to research the area and safety conditions before embarking on your journey.


It is clear that swimming in the Mississippi River is not recommended due to the health risks, however local authorities have been actively working on improving water quality. One governor from Mississippi who is invested in such improvements states “Our legislation is actively directing funds to reduce pollution and ensure a clean and safe river for swimming and recreation.” Further, local authorities as well as nearby residents have collectively come to a consensus that it is, indeed, safe to swim in the Mississippi River provided all safety precautions are taken into account.

Community Participation in Pollution Reduction

The goal of improving water quality in the Mississippi River has been a collaborative effort. Local authorities have been active in supporting and promoting efforts to reduce pollution from local businesses and hotels, as well as providing resources to help individuals become involved in the protection of the river. Through voluntary action by individuals, as well as authorities, swimming in the Mississippi River can be safe.

Local Awareness and Education

For individuals to become involved, it is important for them to understand the effects of pollution and the potential health risks of swimming in the Mississippi River. To increase the levels of public engagement and awareness of the issue, the local authorities havestarted an educational campaign in the area. Through this campaign, they hope to inform individuals on the risks of swimming in polluted waters and emphasize the need for action to reduce water pollution.

Alternative Forms of Recreation

The Mississippi River also offers a range of other recreational activities, such as hiking and fishing, which are safe and enjoyable. Through engaging in such activities, individuals can have fun and learn more about their local environment while reducing the risks associated with swimming in the Mississippi River. Furthermore, these activities provide a great opportunity for individuals to connect with the natural world and appreciate the beauty of the area.

Environmental Benefits of Swimming in the Mississippi River

Despite the health risks associated with swimming in the Mississippi River, there are still some positive environmental impacts that can come from swimming in the river. For example, swimming in the river can help to filter pollutants from the water, reducing its accumulation in the environment. Additionally, swimming can help to reduce algae growth, as it increases the oxygen levels of the water which can reduce the amount of nutrients available for algae to grow.

End of Season Swimming Rituals

Traditionally, the end of the summer marks a time of celebration for residents living near the Mississippi River, as it is a time of celebration for those working the river. Local residents have a long-standing tradition of swimming in the Mississippi River at the end of the season to commemorate the beginning of fall. While safety precautions should still be kept in mind, this is an example of how swimming in the Mississippi River can be done while having an enjoyable and fun-filled experience.

Raymond Strasser is a passion-driven writer and researcher, dedicated to educating readers on the topic of world rivers. With a background in Geography and Environmental Studies, Raymond provides insightful pieces which explore the impact and importance that rivers have around the world.

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