How To Catch Big Catfish On The Mississippi River

Basic Overview of How to Catch Big Catfish on the Mississippi River

Rivers are habitats to numerous fish species, and some of the most sought-after species of fish in the Mississippi River include catfish. The Mississippi can be divided into three distinct parts – Mississippi River Basin, Upper Mississippi River, and Middle Mississippi River – each of which present unique challenges for the angler. The most difficult yet rewarding part of catching a big catfish is carrying out the proper preparation and presentation before the actual angling process. This article provides a detailed overview of the best ways and techniques for anglers to successfully catch big catfish in the Mississippi River.

Things To Consider Before Fishing For Catfish

In order to be successful in catching big catfish, anglers need to prepare themselves with sufficient knowledge and the right equipment. They have to have knowledge of the waters they’re fishing, the kinds of catfish they can find, and the areas of their habitat. They also need to understand the environments in which catfish live. Water pH, clarity, temperature, and oxygen levels play a vital part in this process.

The right equipment is fundamental in angling, as well. Anglers need strong rods and reels, lines and hooks of the right size, and a variety of bait and lures. With the right knowledge and equipment, anglers can effectively increase their chances of successfully catching catfish.

Where To Find Catfish in the Mississippi River

The Mississippi River is a great place for angling for catfish. The Upper Mississippi River region has an abundance of catfish species such as smallmouth buffalo, flathead catfish, and channel catfish. They can be found in the large pools and backwaters of the river. The Middle Mississippi River has its share of different catfish species such as the blue and flathead catfish. Anglers can find these species in the deep pools with slow current and marshy areas of the river.

The Mississippi River Basin is teeming with different catfish species such as longnose gar and channel catfish. They can be found near the shore areas of the river where there are deep and shallow waters. All of these areas of the Mississippi River have a chance of anglers discovering a big catfish lurking within, making an exciting challenge for experienced anglers.

Techniques To Catch Big Catfish

It takes a combination of techniques to successfully catch big catfish in the Mississippi River. Anglers who want to target big catfish must deploy the right bait and lures. Natural baits, such as shad, cut bait, or chicken livers, can be used to attract bigger catfish. For those who are more interested in the lures, crankbaits and inline spinners are popular choices. Anglers should keep in mind that the size of the bait can play a significant role in catching bigger catfish in the river.

Using the right presentation is also critical for catching big catfish. A combination of drift fishing, jigging and bottom bouncing can be used effectively. Drift fishing works best in the slow currents whereas jigging is best when in the fast currents and bottom bouncing is great on the shallow areas of the river where there are structures like logs, weeds and rocks.

Casting and Location of Big Catfish

The Mississippi River is vast and offers many great locations for anglers to find big catfish. Besides the usual spots in the river, anglers should also look for coves, channels and points for higher chances of catching big catfish. An important consideration is to find areas with a good cover of vegetation. These spots act as a shelter for the big catfish and attract them due to the abundant source of food.

The most important part of fishing for big catfish is the casting. Anglers must make sure they make long casts, as long range is preferred by the big fish. The very act of long casting helps in making the bait disperse further, increasing the chance of catching a big fish.

Understanding Fish Behavior

A big part of the angling process is to understand the behavior of the fish. The feeding behavior changes depending on the season. Warmer months offer the opportunity for anglers to target big catfish during the peak feeding period. During the summer, the water temperature rises and this leads to the catfish being more active. This activity further increases when there are winds that push bait towards the riverbanks.

By understanding the body language of catfish, anglers can know the best times to target them. Actions like tail twitching, wagging, and head shaking can indicate that a catfish is interested in the bait. Anglers should pay attention to these signs and be prepared to set the hook when they see it.

Rigging and Strategies

In order to catch big catfish, anglers need to be prepared with the right rigs. A popular rig for big catfish is the Carolina or Rotation Rig. This is a slip-sinker rig that can be used effectively in the shallow areas of the river. There are various rigs and strategies anglers can employ in the Mississippi River, and it is up to the angler to find what works best in different situations.

Certain strategies can also increase the chances of catching a big catfish. For example, anglers can target bottom feeders by counting down their lures or baits and employing a method known as “drift fishing”. This involves maintaining contact with the bottom of the river and slowly drifting your bait downstream. Anglers can also use drifting to troll for big catfish.

Choosing The Right Lures

The right selection of lures can make a difference in successfully catching big catfish in the Mississippi River. There are several types of artificial lures to choose from, including crankbaits, spinnerbaits, and jigs. Each lure has its own strengths and weaknesses. For example, crankbaits are best used in slow currents, whereas jigs can be used successfully in fast currents. It is up to the angler to test out each type of lure and determine which works best in the environment.

Experienced anglers should also try to experiment with homemade lures for added success. By creating different shapes and sizes of lures, anglers can target different types of catfish. Additionally, the homemade lures cost much less than store-bought ones, making them popular with experienced anglers.

Knowledge of Regulations

Anglers in the Mississippi River have to abide by regulations on size and number of catches depending on the species of catfish. For example, the number of blue catfish and paddlefish allowed to be caught and kept depends on the state. It is important that the anglers are aware of these regulations and the boundaries of their fishing license.

There are also regulations on the type of equipment and bait that can be used in the Mississippi River. Some natural baits need to meet certain standards as specified by the state. Similarly, anglers should use gear, lures and tackle that are free from hazardous substances. By being aware of the regulations, anglers can effectively and responsibly target and catch big catfish in the Mississippi.


Catching the big catfish in the Mississippi River requires skill, knowledge and effort. It is essential that anglers have the right tools and understanding of the environment before starting. With the right preparation, strategies and techniques, anglers can work their way up to catching big catfishes in the river.

Raymond Strasser is a passion-driven writer and researcher, dedicated to educating readers on the topic of world rivers. With a background in Geography and Environmental Studies, Raymond provides insightful pieces which explore the impact and importance that rivers have around the world.

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