How To Catch Walleye On The Mississippi River

The Basics of Catching Walleye on the Mississippi River

The Mississippi River is home to a wide variety of walleye, making them relatively easy to find. The first step to catching a walleye is becoming familiar with the habits of the species and the river’s conditions. The recommended techniques for catching walleye in the Mississippi River include trolling and drift fishing, as well as baiting with live bait or jigs. Understanding the advantages and disadvantages of each technique is essential for successfully catching walleye.

Trolling is one of the most common methods for catching walleye on the Mississippi River. To troll, anglers attract walleye with a tightly controlled trolling pattern, using lures or live bait. This method is beneficial because the trolling pattern allows the lure or bait to cover a larger area. It is important to note, however, that trolling requires some maneuvering and finesse, as the lure or bait needs to be presented in the most effective way possible to attract walleye.

Drift fishing is another method of catching walleye on the Mississippi River. In this method, the bait or lure is casted and allowed to drift downstream, along with the river’s current. As the bait or lure drifts downstream, the angler can adjust the depth of the drift to target different depths of the water. This method of fishing also allows for a more natural presentation of the lure or bait, making it more attractive to fish. However, drift fishing does require the angler to move the boat more often to cover more water.

Baiting with live bait is the most popular way to catch walleye on the Mississippi River. Using live bait, such as a leech or minnow, allows the angler to attract walleye with a more natural technique. There are a variety of ways to rig live bait, including the single-hook rig, egg loop, and Carolina rig. Live bait can also be used in combination with trolling, drift fishing, and jigging to increase an angler’s chances of success. Live bait is one of the most effective ways to catch walleye on the Mississippi River, as the natural presentation of the bait is more likely to attract walleye.

The final method for catching walleye on the Mississippi River is jigging. Jigging involves using heavy, weighted lures that can be jerked, jigged, and twitched. This method is beneficial because it can reach deep depths and can cover a large area. Jigging is especially effective near submerged stumps, logs, and rocks, as this is where walleye typically congregate. However, jigging can be difficult to master, as it requires precise timing and accuracy. It is important to practice the technique before heading out on the water.

Understand the River Conditions

In order to successfully catch walleye on the Mississippi River, it is important to have an understanding of the river’s conditions. Primarily, understanding the current and temperature of the river is essential. Knowing where the faster currents and deep, cool pockets of water are located is important so the angler can target the most effective fishing spots. Additionally, understanding the behavior of walleye in the river is important; walleye are more active in the early morning and late evenings, and in cooler water, so anglers should plan accordingly.

The Mississippi River has a wide variety of cover for walleye to hide, such as rock piles, logs, stumps, and brush piles. Walleye are attracted to these areas because they provide refuge from predators, so anglers should target these spots when trying to catch walleye. Additionally, the Mississippi River is one of the most popular fisheries in the U.S., so anglers should exercise care and caution when fishing in the river to ensure they are respectful to other anglers and the environment.

When fishing on the Mississippi River, anglers should understand the regulations and seasons for fishing. The Mississippi River’s regulations and seasons depend on the county or state the angler is fishing in, so it is important to familiarize oneself with the regulations and seasons for the specific area. Knowing the regulations and seasons not only helps anglers be more successful in catching walleye, but also keeps the river healthy and sustainable for years to come.

The Best Lures and Bait for Walleye

Using the right lures and bait is essential for successful walleye fishing on Mississippi River. Jigs are one of the most popular lures for walleye fishing, as they can be presented in a variety of colors and sizes. Using a variety of colors and sizes entrices walleye to strike. There are also a variety of color patterns available, such as chartreuse, yellow, and white, which are particularly effective for walleye fishing. Additionally, crankbaits and spinners are popular lures for walleye, as they can be worked in a variety of depths of water.

When it comes to bait, minnows, leeches, and worms are the most popular. Minnows are the most popular bait for walleye on the Mississippi River, as they are effective at attracting walleye. Leeches are also effective, as their wriggling motion can draw in walleye from distances. Lastly, worms can be effective when combined with a jig. Walleye can also be caught using nightcrawlers, although this bait is most effective for night fishing.

When fishing for walleye on the Mississippi River, anglers should also be familiar with the size and bag limits for walleye. Each state has different size and bag limits, so it is important to stay within these limits when fishing. Additionally, catch and release fishing is encouraged when fishing for walleye, as this helps protect and sustain the species.

Tips for Catching Walleye

When trying to catch walleye on the Mississippi River, anglers should pay attention to the type of lure or bait they are using. Varying the size, color, and action of the bait or lure can make all the difference in successfully catching walleye. Additionally, it is important to recognize the water’s conditions and target areas of the river that have moving or deeper water, as this is where walleye tend to congregate. Lastly, anglers should make sure to fish in the early mornings and late evenings, as this is when walleye are most active.

When it comes to trolling for walleye on the Mississippi River, anglers should be aware of the effects of the trolling pattern. Wind and current can have a large effect on the trolling pattern, so anglers should be aware of these factors when trolling. Additionally, anglers should be aware of the depth of the water they are trolling and adjust the trolling speed accordingly. Adjusting the trolling speed can help the lure or bait cover a larger area and reach greater depths.

Drift fishing for walleye on the Mississippi River requires knowledge of the river’s current and an understanding of the effects of the drift. The fastest, deepest currents should be targeted when drift fishing, as these areas typically hold the largest concentrations of walleye. Additionally, anglers should be mindful of an area’s characteristics when drift fishing and adjust the range or depth of the drift as needed.

Baiting with live bait requires knowledge of bait rigging, casting, and retrieval. When baiting with live bait, it is important to understand how to rig and present the bait in the most effective way possible. Additionally, baiting with live bait can be more time consuming, so anglers should make sure to allow for plenty of time for the fish to bite. Lastly, when retrieving the bait, it is important to do so slowly and with subtle twitches in order to entice the walleye to strike.

Jigging Techniques for Walleye

When jigging for walleye on the Mississippi River, anglers should be aware of the effects of the jig’s weight and size. The heavier the jig, the deeper it will sink, as well as reach further depths of the water. Anglers should also be aware of the size of the jig, as small, light jigs are typically better for shallow waters and larger, heavier jigs are ideal for deeper waters. Additionally, it is important to be aware of current speeds and adjust the speed of the jigging pattern if necessary.

When jigging, it is important to pay attention to how and where the jig is entering the water. The most advantageous place for the jig to enter the water is around cover, such as stumps, logs, and rocks. Walleye can become easily startled and spooked caused by disruption in the water, so anglers should be mindful of making too much noise or casting too close to the fish. Additionally, it is important to pay attention to temperature changes, as walleye are typically more active in cooler water.

When it comes to the retrieval of the jigging pattern, it is important to be aware of the jig’s action. The jig should be slowly and steadily jerked, jigged, and twitched. It is also important to make sure the jig pauses after each jerk or twitch in order to give the walleye a chance to strike. Additionally, anglers should make sure to vary the depth of the jigging pattern. By moving the jig between shallow and deep waters, anglers can cover more area and increase their chances of success.

The Right Gear for Walleye

In order to successfully catch walleye on the Mississippi River, anglers need the right gear. The most important piece of gear for walleye fishing is a rod and reel. When choosing a rod, it is important to factor in the weight, length, and action of the rod. For walleye fishing on the Mississippi River, a medium-light rod between six and seven feet long with moderate action is ideal.

When it comes to reels, it is important to choose one that is lightweight and easy to use. An open-faced spinning reel with moderate to fast retrieve and good drag is ideal for walleye fishing. Additionally, the correct line should be chosen; anglers should use a quality monofilament line that is between six and eight pounds and is abrasion-resistant. The right leader for walleye should be 20-30 lb test, as this will provide enough strength to keep the line from breaking.

Using the right terminal tackle is also important for catching walleye. Single-hook rigs are ideal for live bait, as they provide a natural presentation. However, if using a jig, it is important to use a jig head with a heavy enough weight; the heavier the weight of the jig, the deeper it will sink. Additionally, a swivel is important for preventing line twists and tangles.


Catching walleye on the Mississippi River can be an enjoyable and rewarding experience. By becoming familiar with the habits of the species, techniques, and river conditions, anglers can be better prepared for success. Additionally, understanding the regulations and seasons is important, as well as being aware of the right lures, bait, and gear. Following these tips and techniques can help anglers be more successful in catching walleye on the Mississippi River.

Raymond Strasser is a passion-driven writer and researcher, dedicated to educating readers on the topic of world rivers. With a background in Geography and Environmental Studies, Raymond provides insightful pieces which explore the impact and importance that rivers have around the world.

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