How Wide Is The Mississippi River At Its Widest


Spanning across ten US states, the Mississippi River is a force to be reckoned with. Measuring more than 2,300 miles long,1 the Mississippi River is the second longest river in the United States, only the Missouri River being longer. When it comes to width, however, the Mississippi is hard to beat. At its widest point, the Mississippi River is two miles wide.

According to specialists from the US Geological Survery, the Mississippi River at Lake Itasca, Minnesota, is the narrowest point, with measurements here approximating between 50 and 100 feet wide. 2 As the river moves south, however, its width gradually increases. By the time it reaches the Gulf of Mexico, measurements reach up to 12 miles across.

Experts explain that the width of the Mississippi River also varies depending on the season. During spring and winter months, for instance, melted snow, in addition to increased rainfall, can cause the river to swell in size. These same specialists shed light on the effects of a widening system, with sediment and other debris carried at a faster rate. In fact, the Mississippi River is known for its excessive sedimentation, with higher sediment loads being seen overwhelming a 157-mile stretch measured from Otter Tail, Minnesota, to Lyle, Wisconsin. 3

What makes the Mississippi River so grand and impressive is its use. Part of this is due to its connection to the Midwest, with the Mississippi providing important annual floods allowing the cultivation of crops such as corn and wheat in the Midwestern US states. Not only that, but the river is often used for transportation of goods between Memphis, Tennessee, and St. Louis, Missouri. When its widest, the Mississippi River stretches so wide that it is able to accommodate cargo ships, allowing for these goods to be transported via the waterways. 4

Thanks to the Mississippi River’s impressive width, people from many adjacent states have enjoyed regular riverboat tours, with the river serving as a source of great entertainment to both locals and tourists. It is no surprise, then, that the Great Mississippi River Balloon Race, as well as other riverboat festivals, have become a long-standing tradition for many-hoping to enjoy some of the best sites and sounds of the Mississippi River. 5


Fishing on the Mississippi River is no easy feat, but far from impossible. After all, the river provides a wealth of different species of fish, ranging from pan fish, such as perch and bullhead, to large game fish, such as catfish and northern pike. With a stretch of almost 2,300 miles, the Mississippi River offers ample space for fishing. 6

Fishermen and women flock to the Mississippi River during the summer months, and with good reason. At its widest, the Mississippi beckons countless fishing boats, with many anglers hoping to land one of the many prize-winning catfish that the river offers. Not only that, but the river offers plenty of bank fishing as well, providing fishermen and other anglers with a place to cast their lines. 7

Of course, the width of the Mississippi river shouldn’t be a source of hesitation for anglers. Fishing regulations are typically similar in different areas along the Mississippi River, and with almost two thousand miles of riverfront to choose from, finding the ideal spot for fishing shouldn’t be an issue. 8

Apart from having plenty of space for fishing, the Mississippi River provides fishermen and women with ample opportunities to land a few big fish. With so many fish species available, anglers have the chance to pick and choose, with the river being known to give out big catches. 9

Whether you are an experienced fisherman or are just getting started, few rivers offer the same kind of opportunities as the Mississippi River. With its impressive width, the Mississippi offers plenty of space, and with its varied fish species, it is sure to provide an exciting challenge. 10


Towing is a popular activity on the Mississippi River, and for a good reason. With its impressive width, tugboats and barges are able to traverse the rivers currents, offering a safe and reliable alternative for transporting goods for miles on end. 11

Provided their chosen vessel is wide enough, individuals can navigate the Mississippi River with relative ease. While certain sections of the river are not suitable for towing, like the upper stretches in Minnesota and Wisconsin, most sections have towing capacity. 12

Due to its width, the Mississippi River offers plenty of opportunity for recreational towing. While opportunities vary by state, individuals looking to tow on the Mississippi River will likely be able to find areas of the river dedicated to recreational towing. Before pulling out into the river, however, it is important to check with local authorities to make sure it is safe to tow in the area. 13

When towing on the Mississippi River, navigation is key. Before departing, individuals should have a good understanding of the river’s currents, as well as their boat’s limitations. With this knowledge, they could make their journey more enjoyable, as well as safer. 14

It should also be noted that towing regulations are different depending on the state. Before towing on the Mississippi River, individuals should check with their state’s regulations to make sure they are following the legal requirements. 15


Given its size and width, the Mississippi River can be intimidating. That is why it is important to exercise safety when attempting to traverse its waters. Whether you choose to fish, tow, or simply observe its beauty, it is wise to familiarize oneself with the Mississippi River’s safety precautions. 16

To ensure safety, experts advise individuals to consider the severity of the river’s currents. It is possible for the river to drop several feet within just a few miles, meaning that, if an individual fails to pay attention, they could find themselves in a dangerous situation. 17

Weather conditions can also be a cause for concern. Unexpected storms can, and will, happen at any time, so it is important to be aware of the area’s weather conditions and act accordingly. Similarly, rough waters should be avoided if possible. Even experienced captains can be taken off guard by sudden increases in the river’s current. 18

Lastly, individuals should always listen to the advice of local authorities when navigating the Mississippi River. Bridge tenders, for instance, typically have a thorough understanding of the river, so their advice is often worth taking. 19

Whether it is flood season or a leisurely excursion, the Mississippi River can be treacherous if not navigated properly. Thankfully, by following some of the tips outlined above, individuals can enjoy the beauty of the Mississippi River and still ensure their safety. 20


Few rivers are as iconic and iconic as the Mississippi River. Dating back to prehistoric times, the Mississippi River has been an integral part of American history, with the name Mississippi being derived from the historical Native American Algonquin phrase “mesipi,” which translates to “Great River” in English.21

From its appearance in American folklore to its depictions in literature, the Mississippi River has left an indelible mark. Mark Twain’s “Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,” for instance, paints an iconic picture of the river, making it synonymous with adventure and freedom. 22

Not only has the Mississippi River been a source of recreation, but it has also served a practical purpose. Since the early 1800s, the river has been utilized for transportation and communication, connecting towns and cities along its sprawling banks. 23

At points, the Mississippi River has also been a port for other activities. During the Civil War, many steamboats were used by the military for shipping weapons, ammunition, and supplies to both the Union and Confederacy. 24

Given its crucial role in American society, it is no surprise that the Mississippi River has been the subject of countless works of art, literature, and music. It is the perfect embodiment of American spirit, and its impressive width is symbolic of the power and potential of the American people. 25


Given its role in American society, protecting the Mississippi River is a top priority. Organizations, such as the Mississippi River Parkway Commission, are working to promote conservation efforts along the river and its tributaries. 26

These efforts focus on reducing pollution, restoring habitats, and preserving wetlands. Additionally, the commission works to provide information on land and water quality, as well as educational services regarding the ecological importance of the Mississippi River. 27

Individual efforts can also help in conserving the Mississippi River. From using native plants in landscaping efforts to reducing water consumption, each person can help contribute to a better and healthier environment along the Mississippi. 28

Thankfully, a number of parks along the Mississippi River provide locals, and tourists alike, with the opportunity to learn about conservation efforts as well as the beauty of the river. From wildlife viewing areas to camp sites, these parks are a great place to enjoy the river and learn about conservation. 29

With the help of organizations, local citizens, and visitors alike, it is possible to preserve the Mississippi River’s incredible beauty and its importance to Americans. 30

Raymond Strasser is a passion-driven writer and researcher, dedicated to educating readers on the topic of world rivers. With a background in Geography and Environmental Studies, Raymond provides insightful pieces which explore the impact and importance that rivers have around the world.

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