Is Nile River Drying Up

The Nile: Then and Now

With some of the oldest known settlements in eastern Africa located along the Nile River, it is no surprise that it is held in high regard. This rich history created an assumption that the Nile will remain as strong and dependable as it always has been. However, the reality is that the precious natural resource, the lifeblood of so many lands, is drying up.

The Ancient River

The Nile has been a mainstay in northeast Africa, acting as a continuous source of fresh water to the countries that line its path. Though the exact date of first colonization is disputed, many archaeologists point to sometime in 8000BC as the beginning of human settlement. This ancient river sustained these ancient civilizations, supplying them with sustenance and endless harvests.
Over the last few millennia, technological advancements have revolutionized the access to the Nile River, granting countries the ability to build dams along its passage. This added layer of control over the flow of water had more benefits than drawbacks, and was seen as an advancement to be pleased with.

Recent Changes

In recent times, things have changed drastically. The River Nile still bursts to life each year in floods, but populations have increased significantly, putting a lot more strain on the waterworks. The Nile is now put under enormous pressure from a variety of sources, and this pressure has started to take its toll.
The Nile’s flow is decreasing year on year and many experts believe that it will not be able to keep up with our population growth over the next decade. The many dams that were built to deliver a healthier flow of water are starting to show their age and many have started to lose some of their effectiveness. The water levels have been dropping at a noticeable rate and the potential for drought has become a worryingly real prospect.

Consequences of Drying Up

What does the drying up of the Nile say about the countries that depend on it? The very centre of so many populations relies on a steady flow of fresh water and irrigation, and if deprived of it, it would be catastrophic for the region.
The predicted effects of the driest parts of the river drying up would be devastating, leaving many vulnerable and defenseless. Crops would suffer, leading to less food and nutrition for a population already on the edge. Animals would be unable to cope with the sudden change, creating a state of instability within the animal kingdom. Talk of mass migration would become a reality and an influx of people into neighbouring countries could easily cause disputes over land and resources.

Using Technology to Find a Solution

The government of the countries that stretch along the Nile are working hard to find a balance between using the river’s resources, while also preserving it for future generations. In 2017, Egypt, Ethiopia and Sudan signed a cooperative agreement intended to allow the three nations to benefit from the river without rapidly depleting its resources.
The agreement states that each nation should work together to manage the river’s water in a sustainable way. This agreement is seen as the one of the biggest potential paths to a peaceful solution, with each nation’s government cooperating to find a mutually beneficial arrangement. It is too early to see the effects of this agreement or to suggest that that it has saved the river, but it shows that the dialogue between countries is open and ongoing.

Moving Forward

What does this mean for the future of the Nile? No-one can provide a definite answer, but with attitudes and technology shifting towards a more cooperative and sustainable approach to the river’s resources, we can be cautiously optimistic.
If the governments of the Nile-sharing countries can embrace their responsibilities and come to an amicable agreement, then some kind of balance can be maintained. If this agreement can successfully integrate modern technology and our newfound knowledge on the subject, then it could prevent the river’s drying-up and allow generations of people to continue to sustain their lives by the waters of the Nile.

The Influence of Climate Change

Climate change is wreaking havoc on the environment, and this includes the Nile River. With rising temperatures, there has been evaporation rates and less rainfall, both of which have a detrimental effect on the river’s flow. In addition to this, the glaciers that feed into the River’s tributaries are melting at a rapid rate, reducing the amount of water that reaches the river’s main body.
These changes to the climate directly affect the hydrological cycle, leaving less water for the countries along the Nile to use. The drying up of the Nile is just one example of the many consequences that come with global warming, and it serves as a stark reminder of the need to take action and reduce climate change now.

Access to Water

The scarcity of water can force people to adopt more desperate measures just to survive. In response, tensions can arise between river nations, creating a zero-sum game that nobody really wins. With the drying up of the river, countries have been forced to rely more on ground water sources, but they are limited in capacity and often subject to contamination. This can force communities to rely on low-quality water, leaving them vulnerable to waterborne diseases and illnesses.
One way that countries along the Nile have been attempting to address this is to invest in water storage. By storing rainwater and snow melt, countries are given the opportunity to store water for times when the flow of the river is low. This has given some relief to the artificial drought that is facing the region, though of course there is still much more to be done.

The Need for Cooperation

The drying up of the Nile is an issue that affects all countries along its path. This means that cooperation between these nations is paramount in tackling the problem. To ensure that everyone has an equal share of the valuable resource, efforts must be made to create a more efficient system of distribution.
An early example of such cooperation is the Nile Basin Initiative, which was established in 1999 with the aim of creating a better system to manage the river and its resources. This included the creation of a shared policy that the countries could adopt and use to their benefit. This initiative is a reminder that the solution starts from dialogue, and that only through collaboration can we hope to reach a peaceful solution.

Monitoring the River

In order to better understand the situation the River Nile is in, the countries affected must put more effort into monitoring the water levels. This will give a more accurate insight into the river’s ever-changing state, allowing countries to make more informed decisions as to how they should manage the river.
In addition to this, more research should be conducted on the best practices to manage the construction of new dams. This practice should be done with caution in order to ensure that the river’s water level is not drastically reduced, while still allowing the countries to benefit from the reliable source of water.

The Role of NGOs

Non-Government Organisations often have a large role to play in helping countries make the most of their natural resources. Through research, education and cooperation, NGO organisations can help bridge the gap between the affected parties and facilitate a shared understanding of the issues.
Organisations like WaterAid have proved that providing education and resources can be as beneficial in tackling the drying up of the river as other initiatives. The role of NGOs is to provide both technical advice and moral support, and in the case of the Nile, this support could go a long way in helping the situation.

The Effects of Exploitation

Looking to the future, it is important to understand the effects of irresponsible exploitation of the river and its resources. By far, the greatest issue arising from the drying up of the Nile is the impact it has on people who rely on the river.
The future of the river will depend on how well its resources are managed, and if our history has taught us anything, it is that without proper care and attention, our precious natural resources will quickly become depleted.
Awareness of this issue is growing quickly and more people are certaining of the urgency of the situation. With an increased understanding of the situation, more people can be encouraged and inspired to take action to prevent the River Nile from drying up completely.

Raymond Strasser is a passion-driven writer and researcher, dedicated to educating readers on the topic of world rivers. With a background in Geography and Environmental Studies, Raymond provides insightful pieces which explore the impact and importance that rivers have around the world.

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