What Had Been Done To Save The Yangtze River Dilphin

Illegal Fishing

The Yangtze River dolphin is a species of a very rare and unique species that inhabits in the Yangtze River in Asia. As per recent findings, this species of dolphin is classified as ‘Critically Endangered’. Recent efforts from various sources suggest that the main cause of the endangerment of this species is illegal fishing.
This illegal fishing is caused by various factors, but one of the major factors is due to the lack of adequate protection of the species by the Government of China. Most of the commercial fishing boats do not use the adequate safety precautions or tools required to prevent the netting and capture of this species of dolphin. Additionally, many fishermen do not follow the predetermined size limit of the net, which results in a severe catching of smaller and younger dolphins, in addition to large adults.
Moreover, due to overfishing and pollution, there is a decrease in the natural food sources of the Yangtze River Dolphin. Industrial waste, agricultural waste, and other forms of pollution have led to an imbalance in the ecosystem of the river and thus, reducing the availability and abundance of food sources for the dolphin.

Government Actions

The Chinese government has taken huge steps to help this endangered species of dolphins. It has instated a set of laws and regulations that act as a protective layer for the dolphin. Moreover, due to the efforts of the Chinese government and activists, 14 nature reserves have been established along the Yangtze River. These reserves are set up for the purpose of protecting the Yangtze River dolphins by restricting access to particular areas and controlling fishing activities. Additionally, the government has established teams of conservationists to patrol and monitor illegal activities in the reserves.
The government has also undertaken a major effort to bring an improvement in its water management systems. This effort has included the construction of artificial fishermen’s platforms that block the access of fishermen to certain areas. Furthermore, various dams and reservoirs have been established to regulate the flow of the river, enhance water quality, and reduce pollution.

Research and Development

Various efforts have also been made by academic and research institutions in order to further the conservation of the Yangtze River Dolphin. Various scientific studies have been conducted with the aim of understanding the behavior, population trends, and conservation of the species.
Research centers have also been established in China to study and monitor the details of the Yangtze River dolphins. Research teams go out on daily surveys and collect data. This data is later analyzed and used to make informed decisions regarding conservation policies and activities.
Moreover, several organizations have put forward initiatives to protect and breed the Yangtze River Dolphin in man-made habitats. Furthermore, conservationists have introduced captive dolphins into natural river systems with the aim of building up their population numbers.

Educational Initiatives

In addition to the ongoing research and development activity, several educational initiatives have been initiated in order to spread the conservation message of the Yangtze River Dolphin.
Educational programs and events have been conducted for school-going children and students to make them aware about the need for conservation of the Yangtze River Dolphin. Additionally, awareness campaigns and functions have also been organized for local communities living near the river to bring about a greater understanding of the importance of preserving this species.
Moreover, academic institutions have also come forward with the goal of offering courses and workshops which teach students about the importance of conservation of the Yangtze River Dolphin.

Local Communities and Activists

Local communities have also come forward to make their contribution towards the preservation of the Yangtze River Dolphin. Various local initiatives have been organized to spread awareness among the local communities living near the river. Furthermore, fishermen have been provided with the necessary equipment and resources to prevent the netting up of this species of dolphin.
Additionally, various non-profits and activists have also been involved in conservation initiatives to spread the message of conservation among the public. Various campaigns and activities have been conducted to attract social attention and initiate positive action towards the species.

Satellite filming & Surveillance

In addition to the local efforts, satellite filming and surveillance have also been employed to monitor fishing activities. This helps to identify any illegal activity and take necessary action before the situation gets out of control. Moreover, drones are also used to track and monitor dolphin populations which gives a more accurate view of the conditions in which the dolphins live in.

Conservation Programs

Various conservation programs have been initiated with the goal of preserving the Yangtze River Dolphins. Various organizations as well as government institutions have put forward subsidies and other forms of financial assistance to encourage participation in conservation activities.
Furthermore, several community based organizations have come forward with the goal of creating and promoting sustainable fishing practices. This helps to reduce the amount of pressure that is put on the species and contributes towards its conservation.


In conclusion, a great number of initiatives and efforts have been undertaken by local communities and activists, governments, research institutions and educational institutions in order to conserve the Yangtze River Dolphin. Although the issue of this species of dolphin still remains unsolved, all these efforts serve as a reminder that hope still remains in saving this critically endangered species.

Carolyn Johnston is an avid traveler with a particular interest in the world's most famous rivers. She loves to explore different cultures, landscapes, and history through her travels. Carolyn has had the opportunity to sail down the Nile, raft through the Grand Canyon, and cruise along the Amazon.

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