What Is The Volume Of The Yenisei River

The Yenisei River is one of the longest rivers in the world and is located in eastern Siberia. It provides a vital water source for the region, and its volume plays a large role in the geography and climate of the area. This article will discuss what the volume of the Yenisei River is, explore its history and impact, and discuss the ways it has helped to shape the region.


The Yenisei River is around 3,445 kilometers long, and is considered to be the fourth-longest river in the world. It has two major tributaries, the Laba and the Angara, with the latter being much shorter than the former. The Yenisei itself originates in Mongolia and its mouth opens up into the Kara Sea in northern Russia. Over two-thirds of its total length travels through Russia, with the rest being located in Mongolia and China. Its basin area is 858,000 square kilometers, and covers sixteen different Russian Federal Subjects.


The volume of the Yenisei River is considered to be quite large. The average annual volume of the Yenisei is estimated to be around 33,280 cubic meters per second. This means that it is the sixth-largest in terms of total volume. This is due to the number of tributaries that feed into it, as well as the vast amount of precipitation in the region. This amount of water is enough to supply many of the riverside towns and communities with drinking water and irrigation.

History and Impact

The Yenisei has had a long history of human use, with the native people of Siberia using the river for fishing and transportation for centuries. This made it an invaluable asset to the region and helped to shape the local culture and economy. As the region was opened up to outsiders in the 19th century, the river became key to the development of the area. It was used to transport both goods and people, which led to a surge in population as well as economic growth.


The Yenisei river is an important resource to the region, providing potable water for its inhabitants as well as a means of transporting goods. Its large volume allows it to provide an energy source in the form of hydroelectricity, which helps to supply the region with electricity. It is also used for irrigation purposes and to help support the local fishing industry.

Environmental Considerations

In recent years, the Yenisei River has come under threat from industrial pollutants and agricultural runoff. This has led to a decline in the quality of the water, causing a decline in local wildlife populations. The Russian government has taken steps to combat this by introducing laws to limit the amount of pollutants that can be released into the river. However, the area still faces a number of environmental risks, and monitoring of the river is ongoing in order to better understand its impacts on the local ecosystem.


The Yenisei River also offers a number of recreational activities, such as fishing, boating, and touring. Many of the river’s towns and cities feature tourist attractions, such as riverside markets and historic buildings. The local people are also known to be welcoming to visitors, making it a great way to experience traditional Siberian culture.


Pollution is having a major impact on the Yenisei River. This is due to a combination of factors, including industrial pollution, agricultural runoff, and climate change. As temperatures in the region continue to rise, the rate of pollution is expected to increase in the future, which could threaten the viability of the river as a source of clean drinking water. The government is taking steps to raise awareness of these issues and to incentivize companies to reduce their environmental impacts.


The Russian government is taking steps to conserve the Yenisei River, from introducing laws to reduce pollution to creating protected areas along the river banks. These conservation efforts have already seen some successes, with some species of fish returning to the river, and some riverbanks being stabilized. In the future, more will need to be done in order to protect the river for future generations.


The Russian government is also investing in infrastructure along the Yenisei River, with plans to create new ports, bridges, and dams. These projects will help to improve access to the river and will create new economic opportunities, especially in remote areas of Siberia. This will allow people to move goods and services, creating jobs in an otherwise rural and undeveloped area.

Climate Change

Climate change is also having an impact on the Yenisei River, with rising temperatures leading to increased glacial melting, higher river levels, and more frequent flooding. This will have both positive and negative effects on the region, with some areas being flooded while other areas could benefit from longer growing seasons. The Russian government is taking steps to mitigate the impact of climate change, such as investing in more efficient irrigation systems and investing in new technologies to reduce pollution.

Carolyn Johnston is an avid traveler with a particular interest in the world's most famous rivers. She loves to explore different cultures, landscapes, and history through her travels. Carolyn has had the opportunity to sail down the Nile, raft through the Grand Canyon, and cruise along the Amazon.

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