The Mississippi River has been home to a variety of fish for thousands of years. For example, the paddlefish has been present since the days of the dinosaurs, and its populations have been generally stable for the last century or so. Additionally, the pallid sturgeon, an endangered species, has been present in the Mississippi River for centuries. Another popular fish in the Mississippi River is the channel catfish. The channel catfish is one of the most popular sport and game fish in the Mississippi River system. It is known for its cooperative spirit, making it a great fish to catch with family or friends.
White Bass
White bass (Morone chrysops), also known as sand bass, is a species found in the Mississippi River. This species can be identified by its silvery-gray hue, with yellowish-white undersides and two to three black stripes that span its length. White bass usually travels in large schools, which makes it even easier to find and target. They tend to move upstream to spawn in April, so this is an ideal time for anglers to fish for them. For the most part, white bass feed on shad, small fish, and aquatic insects.
Walleye (Sander vitreus), or “the fish of a thousand casts,” is another popular fish species that is found in the Mississippi River. Walleye can grow up to 30 inches and is known for its excellent flavor and for providing a great sporting experience. It is a predatory fish, meaning that it feeds on smaller fish and aquatic insects. To catch walleye, anglers should use a jig or trolling with a shad rap. Walleye can be found in the shallow parts of the river during the spawning season, making it an ideal time to target these fish.
Freshwater Drum
Freshwater drum (Aplodinotus grunniens) is another species of fish that can be found in the Mississippi River. Freshwater drum are identified by their silvery-gray backs, white bellies, and orange fins. These fish are usually found in slow-moving rivers with deep pools, which makes the Mississippi River an ideal habitat for them. Freshwater drum feed on snails, small fish, and aquatic insects. To catch these fish, anglers should use jerkbaits, jigs, and spinners.
Bigmouth Buffalo
Bigmouth buffalo (Ictiobus cyprinellus) is the largest species of the minnow family, and it can be found in the Mississippi River. These fish have deep heads, long bodies, and have an olive-brown backs and lighter bellies. Bigmouth buffalo are omnivorous fish and feed on aquatic plants, insects, and small fish. To catch them, anglers should use live or cut bait and cast around deep pools or other slow-moving areas. Bigmouth Buffalo offers a great recreational experience for anglers looking to have a unique outdoor experience.
Northern Pike
Northern Pike (Esox lucius) is another species of fish that can be found in certain parts of the Mississippi River. These fish can grow up to 60-inches and weigh up to 35 lbs. They are identified by their long, slim bodies, dusky green backs and white bellies, and are known for their aggressiveness. Northern Pike feed on smaller fish, crayfish, frogs, and aquatic insects. To target them, anglers should use large spoons, crankbaits, jerkbaits, topwaters, and swimbaits.
Spawning Patterns
Spawning patterns of fish species in the Mississippi River can vary, but they are largely tied to the seasonal changes in water temperature. Most fish species spawn in the spring when water temperatures begin to become warmer, and some species spawn in the summer or fall. Anglers should also be aware of the local regulations regarding the harvesting of certain fish species; for example, most anglers are limited to harvesting certain numbers of individual fish species or size limits, or may not be able to target certain endangered species.
Expert Insight
One expert in this field, Rocky Snodgrass, MDNR Fisheries Biologist, suggests that anglers should be aware of the water temperatures and seasonality when targeting fish species in the Mississippi River.It is important to check the Mississippi Department of Natural Resources regulations when looking to harvest fish, as regulations change depending on species. He also believes that anglers who are looking to catch fish should learn basic catch and release techniques, as this prevents overharvesting and promote healthy fish habitats.
Best Fishing Times
The best fishing times for the Mississippi River depends on the species of fish that the angler is looking to target. Generally, the best times to target most species are during the season of spawning when the water begins to warm up, or just after the spawn when the fish have returned to their feeding habitats. Anglers should also remember to check regulations, as harvest limits and certain restrictions can be in effect depending on the species.
The best techniques for targeting fish species in the Mississippi River depends on which species the angler is looking to target. Generally, anglers should use live bait or artificial lures, such as jigs and jerbaits, for most species. For larger species, such as pike and bass, anglers can use crankbaits or topwaters as these lures can cover more water and bring in more strikes. Anglers should also remember to check regulations, as harvest limits and certain restrictions can be in effect depending on the species.
Catching Techniques
Catching techniques can vary depending on the species, but there are some basic techniques that will work for most species. To start, anglers should use mostly upstream casts, as this helps ensure that the lure or bait is drifting naturally with the current. Additionally, anglers should use a light retrieve as most fish will take a bait or lure when it is inactive. For most species, anglers should focus on actively fishing, as this technique helps to bring in more strikes.
In order to identify fish species, anglers should familiarize themselves with the colors, shapes, and sizes of the fish. Additionally, fishermen should also familiarize themselves with the common lures and baits used to target different species, as some can be used to catch multiple species. For example, jigs and spinners can be used to catch bass, walleye, and pike. Generally, anglers should become familiar with the fish species found in the Mississippi River to become successful in catching them.
Anglers should always keep in mind that responsible fishing practices are important for the preservation of fisheries and maintaining healthy fish habitats in the Mississippi River. This includes practicing catch and release, following local regulations, using proper baits and lures, and protecting the aquatic ecosystem from pollutants. Additionally, anglers should also join conservation efforts or organizations that help protect and improve these environments. This can help ensure that future generations are able to experience the wonders of the Mississippi River fishes.