Why Is The Nile River Drying Up

Environmental Impact

The drying up of the Nile River, the longest in the world, has been attributed to several different factors, chief among them being climate change. The increased temperatures have raised the evaporation of water from the river, which has led to less runoff from Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan. This reduced runoff has been exacerbated by the construction of the Aswan High Dam, which restricts the flow of water from the river, thus reducing the amount of water available to the nearly 100 million people who rely on the amount for their daily needs such as drinking, bathing, fishing, and irrigation.
Moreover, overpopulation and deforestation are additional contributing factors to the declining water levels of the Nile. The more people there are competing for the water supply leads to every drop of water being rationed out among them, making it harder for everyone to survive without having to ration it further. Deforestation due to the explosive population growth has caused an indirect increase in the rate of transpiration and evaporation, making it difficult for the water to be recycled and pushed back into the river from the tributaries.
The increasing demand for energy from power plants, water extraction for oil and gas development, and water extractions for irrigating crops in neighbouring countries all contribute to the drying up of the Nile River. Industrialisation has also caused an increase in pollution and contamination, which has been adding toxic substances to the Nile’s environment, such as phosphorus, heavy metals, and a plethora of other chemicals and substances.
Overall, the drying up of the Nile River has been caused by multiple factors, including climate change, overpopulation, deforestation, industrialisation, and poor governmental actions. With the increasing severity of the situation and its harsh effects on the populations of the four countries that rely on the river, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to ignore the problem and come to a swift, effective solution.

Effects of the Drying Up of the Nile River

The effects of the drying up of the Nile River are massive and potentially devastating for the millions of people who rely on it. With the increasing water crisis and water shortages, the people living in the region have already guttered by its consequences, with only a few of them grasping the scale of its severity.
Frequent droughts induced by the decreasing water levels reduce crop yields, further exacerbating food insecurity in the region. Due to the reduced water supply, many families rely on the profit of fishing, but the declining water depths mean the fish stocks are declining. This causes a vicious cycle because fishers then turn to more destructive and unsustainable methods such as dynamite fishing, bane fishing, and insect poison fishing, which further depletes the catch.
The health of the people living in the region also worsens due to the declining water level of the Nile River. The scarcity of water leads to dirty water and more water-borne diseases. The high levels of contaminants in the water further exacerbate this problem, leading to serious problems such as skin diseases, blindness, and cholera due to drinking contaminated water.

Reasons For Political Inaction on the Issue

The issue of the drying up of the Nile River has been recognised by many governments in the region, yet very little has been done to tackle the problem head-on. This is due to a multitude of reasons.
The diversification of governments in the countries that the Nile passes through means that there are a number of conflicting interests at play. The ambition of the Egyptian government to control the water supply at all costs has been a constant cause of tension with the upstream countries, leading to a standstill as no action can be taken.
Moreover, the lack of political will to take action on this issue has been caused by existing power imbalances within the countries. The political actors that could have provided solutions to the problem have become complacent due to their positions of power and influence, leading to the decline of dialogue between the states.
In addition, the global context of climate change has hindered governments from taking any decisive action on the issue, with some nations deeming it a less pressing issue in comparison to other global issues.

Solutions to the Drying Up of the Nile

In light of the water crisis, multiple solutions should be taken into consideration.
The obvious solution would be to reduce water wastage. This can be done through proper training programmes to educate people on the utilisation of resources, efficient water management plans, and installing showerheads and taps which reduce water wastage.
In addition, sustainable and renewable energy sources can be installed to power the four countries’ electricity and heat needs, replacing the current, mostly CO2 producing sources of energy.
Moreover, since most of the water supplied to Egypt is sourced from Ethiopia’s highlands, agricultural methods should be applied that inherently conserve water. This includes growing crops in season and developing irrigation methods which are better equipped to minimise water loss during the process.
Another solution which can be taken into consideration is transferring water from Ethiopia’s rivers and lakes via pipeline. This could enable the upstream countries to maintain their own water sources due to Ethiopia’s abundance of freshwater, whilst simultaneously supplying Egypt and Sudan with much-needed water.

International Cooperation to Combat the Issue

In order to combat the drying up of the Nile River, international cooperation and collaboration is the most effective solution.
Increased communication between Egypt, Ethiopia and Sudan can open up conversations and cooperative dialogue between the countries, allowing them to bridge the power imbalances between them and aid in forming more effective solutions as a collective.
This is further supported by the presence of relevant and influential organisations in the region, most notably the Nile Basin Initiative. The NBI is designed to provide a framework of international cooperation between the ten countries in the Nile Basin, which would help to identify and support efforts in the region that can lead to the sustainable management and utilisation of the Nile.
At the global level, international organisations such as the United Nations have already taken steps to confront climate change, with several initiatives such as the Paris Agreement and the Agenda 2030 focusing on reducing the impact of climate change, providing nations with the opportunity to avoid water scarcity and droughts.

River Nile as a Symbol

The drying up of the Nile carries with it immense symbolic power, due to its connection to the unifying and life-giving nature of the river. The Egyptians viewed the river as a source of fertility and life, with it playing an incredibly important role in the country’s history and literature.
Moreover, the fact that the Nile provided life to the millennia-old civilizations living in Egypt has made it a powerful symbol in the region and beyond, often being used as a representation of the link between life, death, and eternity.
The symbolism of the Nile has also extended to the realm of international relations, often being seen as a source of stability, a shared resource and common project, and a symbol of peace in the region.
The drying up of the Nile could thus lead to a dramatic shift in the region’s collective psyche, with its connection to life and its spiritual nature being shattered by its rapid decline.

Economic Impact of the Drying up

The economic impact of the Nile’s water shortage is grave, with it potentially being the worst-case scenario for the entire region.
Frequent and prolonged droughts induced by the Nile’s drying up will have drastic repercussions on the already fragile economic situations of Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan, leading to acute famines, food shortages, and an onslaught of economic troubles such as shrinking businesses, job losses, and lower wages.
The tourism industry in Egypt, Ethiopia, and Sudan, which relies heavily on the river for its appeal and revenue, also stand to suffer great losses due to the dropping of the river. Tourists are likely to be repelled by the lack of water, as its disappearance would reduce the overall appeal of the land, leading to a drop in revenue and the industry’s collapse.
All in all, the economic disruption caused by the drying up of the Nile is sure to be felt by the entire region, leading to an array of financial problems and an even higher poverty rate for the millions of people living in the area.

Mental Health Impact of the Drying Up of the Nile

The mental health impact of the drying up of the Nile River is often overlooked, yet is just as severe as the physical effects.
The presence of a water crisis and its associated food scarcity often leads to increased levels of stress, anxiety, and depression, especially among children and their families. The situation then worsens as food insecurity and poverty leads to increased levels of depression and mental health disorders by disproportionately affecting the vulnerable population in the region.
Moreover, the idea of a life without the river can affect the mental well-being of people in the region, especially those whose lives and identities are intrinsically linked to it. The loss of the river is an existential loss for many of these people, leading to a collapse of community and identity.
Therefore, the mental health implications of the drying up of the Nile should not be disregarded, as it is sure to have a drastic effect on the population living in its vicinity.

Raymond Strasser is a passion-driven writer and researcher, dedicated to educating readers on the topic of world rivers. With a background in Geography and Environmental Studies, Raymond provides insightful pieces which explore the impact and importance that rivers have around the world.

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