How Deep Is The Mississippi River In Minneapolis

Minneapolis and the Mississippi River

MINNEAPOLIS, situated on the northwestern banks of the Mississippi River, boasts one of the most important waterways in the United States. Ever since the Native Americans and early pioneers discovered the profound power and fertility of the Mighty Mississippi, Minneapolis has benefitted from its presence. By analyzing the depth of the great river, individuals can learn about the just how powerful and important the Mississippi is to the Minneapolis.

The USGS Gaging Station, or United States Geological Survey Gaging Station 1604860, is located just south of downtown Minneapolis. As of 2017, it documents the mean daily streamflow in feet per second, or CFS, at 0.64 CFS and the mean daily gage height in feet is above sea level at 499.9 feet. The measurements made at the gaging station allow researchers to calculate the depth of the Mississippi and advise the public accordingly.

Measuring the depth of the river is no simple task. The Mississippi is an incredibly dynamic ecosystem, and depths can vary with the season and the amount of precipitation. A hot, wet summer can mean that the river swells while a dry autumn can leave the riverlooking more like a mud flat.

The USGS has calculated the Depth Averages for the Mississippi River at Minneapolis. The averages are based on the mean surface area and mean velocities of the river water, calculated over the course of the entire year. Over the course of the entire year, throughout all four distinct seasonal changes, the Mississsippi is at an average depth of 8.86 feet.

In the Summer months from June through August the depths of the Mississippi fluctuate a bit more than other times of year. The USGS records the average depth for these months at 8.9 feet. Meanwhile, in the winter season of December through February, the average depth drops ever so slightly to 8.84 feet.

The depth of the Mississippi has major implications when it comes to recreational activities. In the summer months, when the river is at its deepest, one can often find commercial kayaking and canoeing operators near the downtown area. On the flipside, when the river is at its shallowest in the winter, paddling can be more dangerous and operators tend to skip over these months.

In addition, the depth of the river can have more serious implications in regards to flooding. Determining the average depth of the Mississippi is an important part of Emergency Preparedness for Minneapolis. It limits the potential impacts of flooding and informs policy makers as to how land can safely be used near the river.

Use of The River

The Mississippi River is a center of economic and cultural activity in Minneapolis. The river has long been a transportatio.n hub, with huge barges used to ship various goods and commodities up and down the river at various times of the year. On top of this, the presence of the river attract tourism from people interested in fishing, kayaking and other water sports.

The Minneapolis Park Board has taken advantage of the waters presence to their benefit. Across the past few decades, the Park Board has been responsible for the building of a number of recreational access points, giving people living in Minneapolis and the surrounding areas the opportunity to actually enter and use the river for their health and pleasure.

These access points can be used for things such as fishing, boating and swimming. In addition, the Park Board has installed riverwalks and bike paths, further highlighting the importance of the Mississippi in Minneapolis. It has allowed the people of Minneapolis to access the riverside in a more efficient way while providing them with a great spot to enjoy its beauty.

Furthermore, there are numerous communities which live in and around the Mississippi River. It has provided them with cheap, accessible land to build on and have become locations of vibrant communities. These communities are built in close proximity to the river and have benefited greatly from its presence.

Naturally, the presence of the Mississippi River has a strong influence on the climate of Minneapolis. The river helps moderate the temperatures in and around the city, providing a cooling effect during the hot, humid summer months and keeping temperatures from falling too strongly in the winter months.

River Pollution

Finally, the use of the river by Minneapolis, and the pollution that subsequently gets dumped into it, has caused many environmental concerns in recent years. The absorption of pollution from agricultural runoff and sewage systems has caused increased levels of nitrates and phosphorus to be found in the river. This increases water clarity and causes a decrease in the number and quality of aquatic species in the Mississippi.

The presence of certain chemicals, such as PCBs and DDT, have also been detected in the waters of the Mississippi, increasing the risk posed to aquatic animals and the humans which have access to the river. Of course, with stricter legislation, more controlled dumping of pollutants and improved sewage systems, the water quality of the Mississippi has improved from the already disastrous standards of the past.

Nevertheless, the people of Minneapolis, as well as local policy makers and environmental activists need to work together to ensure the preservation and future of the Mississippi River. With scrutiny and diligence, the Mighty Mississippi can remain the powerful and beneficial part of Minneapolis it always has been.

Laws and Regulations

In recent years, various measures have been taken to help protect the Mississippi River and its environment. Laws and regulations have been established in Minneapolis and across the state of Minnesota to help keep the river clean and its species healthy.

Local laws have been in place to protect wildlife and their natural habitats within the Mississippi, preventing construction, developments and the destruction of local ecosystems. Legislation has also been introduced to help curb pollution levels by introducing more stringent regulations and enforcement tactics.

In addition, there are also a range of federal laws in place which aim to protect the entire Mississippi River watershed. These laws set out restrictions on dumping, chemical use, and discharge into the river.

The combination of these laws and regulations have had a significant impact on the health of the river. Increased enforcement tactics, the introduction of stiffer penalties for breaking them, and the general awareness of the importance of environmental protection has strengthened the current attitude towards the Mississsippi.


Overall, the Mississippi River within Minneapolis is a vitally important part of the city’s identity. Its presence is felt in all aspects of life in the city, be it through its use for transport, recreation or the economic growth it is responsible for. By understanding the depths of the river, we can begin to measure the scope of the waters influence on the life of the city and the people living within it.

It’s clear the river has experienced its share of issues in the past, and there is still much to do in order to protect and sustain it. Nevertheless, with an understanding of its power and potential, as well as laws and regulations in place, we can ensure the well-being of the Mississippi River in Minneapolis for many years to come.

Raymond Strasser is a passion-driven writer and researcher, dedicated to educating readers on the topic of world rivers. With a background in Geography and Environmental Studies, Raymond provides insightful pieces which explore the impact and importance that rivers have around the world.

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